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American Legion to host Memorial Day Program Monday

American Legion Davidson-Haltom Post 157 in Henderson will host a solemn commemorative ceremony on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, beginning at 11 a.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of Henderson City Hall, to honor all military veterans who willingly made the supreme sacrifice to safeguard the United States of America. The public is encouraged to attend the approximately one-hour ceremony.
This year’s commemoration titled “Military Expectations” specifically remembers the enormous cost in American lives over the past forty years (1983 – 2022) while serving in our nation’s Armed Forces. As is the custom nationwide, the American flag displayed outside Henderson City Hall will be raised from half-staff to full staff at noon with a brief ceremony.
Memorial Day ceremonies began soon after the American Civil War. It was called Decoration Day until 1971. The ceremonies grew to encompass all our nation’s wars and to honor the 3,036,685 men and women known to have given their lives or were wounded during these conflicts and to also recognize the 590, 687 POWs and the 81,800 service members still listed as Missing in Action (MIA).

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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