Chester County native, Chad Barham, is the first Chester Countian to be put in a video game. You can find him in EA Sports College Football 25 on the Troy Trojans roster. Pictured above on the left is a screenshot of his player profile. On the right is a capture of Chad in-game making a catch. Screeshots taken from gameplay of EA Sports College Football 2025.
By Kendall Patterson
CCI Sports Editor
A lot of boys grow up playing football video games, especially those who are football players.
The gamers find themselves picking their favorite teams and playing with their favorite players.
After the release of EA Sports College Football 25 last week, Chester County native Chad Barham is able to do something no other Chester Countian can say they have done before, play as himself in the game.
Barham signed on with Troy University on April 26 to be a part of their football program as a tight end. With Troy University being a team you can choose in the game, you can find Barham on the roster under tight end.
Barham and his brother Peyton Barham played College Football 14 as kids and set their goals to being in the game one day and Chad made his dream come true.
“The boys always had the newest Madden game on their Christmas list every year and I couldn’t wait to see the excitement on their faces when they opened the game on Christmas Day,” his mother Britney Barham said. “I can’t even explain the joy and excitement I had when I got home from work and was able to actually see Chad on the game. Buying that first football game in hindsight turned out to be one of our greatest purchases, all things considered.
Britney continued expressing her emotion that comes with the continued success of Chad and the accomplishments he has achieved.
“The emotions that regularly come to mind when we think or speak of our oldest son the first things that normally come to mind are inspiring, pride and joy. We feel and have felt that way for as long as we can remember. He continues to exceed our expectations, he is such a blessing and is blessed beyond our comprehension. He is one of our families greatest achievements thus far. He continually reminds us that through prayer all things are possible . His success and achievements to date have far exceeded our expectation’s and have been truly remarkable considering our very humble beginnings.”
Chad expressed that “It’s a dream come true feeling; especially growing up and playing the game to now being in it is a blessing.”
Peyton added saying, “Seeing my brother in the game is really cool knowing we used to play College Football 14. We dreamed of this since we were kids, and now he’s actually doing it. It motivates me to go out and work hard at practice and even on my own every day so maybe one day I can be in the game.”
The Barham brothers are not the only ones excited to play with him. Sophomore Chester County football player Hudson Lewis mentioned how he has been excited to play as Chad in the game all summer. Lewis said that though he has played football games in the past, this year’s edition is special. Now with the game being out for just over a week, Lewis has been able to play as Chad in the game and has earned Chad the “College Football Player of the Year Award” and “Heisman Trophy Winner” in-game.
“Playing CFB 25 with Chad who I played football and went to school with is really surreal. It’s a really cool experience to get to play with someone that I’ve had the opportunity of knowing my whole life and then see him in a video game. From his junior high days to where he is now, he has grown so much and I can’t wait to see what his future holds at Troy and beyond. I told myself as soon as the game came out, that I would win Chad the Heisman and getting to make that happen was really cool! It makes the game more enjoyable and meaningful,” Lewis said.
Chad says, “It feels very good. People from home are sending me videos of them playing with me on CFB 25.”
As the Chester County Sports Editor, I now will be transitioning from taking photos of Chad on the football field as a Chester County Junior High and High School athlete, to taking screenshots of him making highlights in-game when I play with the Trojans in EA Sports College Football 25.