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  • CC Board of Education approves TSBA revisions

CC Board of Education approves TSBA revisions

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By Kara Crump
Staff Writer

The Chester County Board of Education met on Tuesday evening, July 9. One member, Clay Rodgers, was absent from the meeting, and another member attended through a video call.
Renee Croom addressed the Board of Education. Croom spoke with concerns about diversity in the offices of East Chester, Middle School, Jr. High, Jacks Creek Elementary, and West Chester Elementary. “Has there ever been a minority who held a permanent position in the offices of any of these schools? What message do you think this portrays to people of color?” Croom asked the Board. “So, what is it that I am asking? What do I want? I just want to see a more diverse workplace in our school system for our children, for all of them.”
Ben Cupples responded to Croom, “I appreciate you coming tonight and offering those words. I hope if there is an opportunity or position available, ultimately nothing to do with race, color or creed, we’re going to put the most qualified person in that position. Moving forward, I hope we’re open minded, and I appreciate your comments tonight.”
A motion was made by Shane Connor and seconded by Jeff Harris to the recommendation to approve the TSBA revisions/additions to Chester County Board of Education Policy Manual with none opposed.
All the Board members were invited to attend the countywide in-service on Tuesday, July 30.
The next Board of Education meeting will be held Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the CCBOE Conference Room.

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