The Sept. 14 barbecue fundraiser was a success for the Chester County Special Eagles, according to organizer Amanda Dubose. Dubose said the program will continue to provide activities for Chester County’s special needs community due to the generosity of local donors. Saturday’s event was held at Lofton Chevrolet on US Hwy 45 S in Henderson and featured ribs, chicken, bologna and Boston butts. Dubose added she wants to thank Lofton Chevrolet for hosting this event, Bob Hill and his crew and all others who assisted in making the event a success, as well as everyone who donated. Pictured above are event organizers and attendees. The Chester County Special Eagles operates strictly from contributions and donations. Those who would like to help provide opportunities and activities for special needs children and adults may make a donation to the Chester County Special Eagles account at Centennial Bank. For more information, contact Amanda Dubose at 731-608-0570.