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Chester County Eagles fall short in sectional series

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By Kendall Patterson
CCI Sports Editor

After returning to sectionals for the first time in eight years, the Chester County Eagles Baseball team’s run was halted in the sectional series against Station Camp.
During the first game, the Eagles lost 0-3 in a tight game.
In the second game, the Eagles refocused for the second game in the series in the hope of winning to push the series at least to a third game, but they were not able to do so.
By the bottom of the fifth, the Eagles were in a 4-12 hole on the scoreboard but managed to get major momentum going in the top of the sixth by scoring five runs to make the score 9-12.
Three of the runs are attributed to senior Kase Cupples who hit a double bringing home three runers.
In the bottom of the sixth, increasing the possibility of a comeback, senior McKinley Hopkins pitched and had three immediate outs with the support of his fielders behind him.
However, the Eagles could not manage to get successful hits in the seventh inning, and the game finished with a loss 9-12.
Eagles Baseball Head Coach Mike Goff said that the loss of the series and season was sad, but he is still proud of his team’s success this year.
“We got beat. We didn’t beat ourselves. They earned it, and it happens that way sometimes. It’s unfortunate with as good of a team that we had, but like I said…it’s so hard to get here. I’m extremely proud of them. We had a wonderful year in my book,” Goff said. “We’re as good as anybody in the state. We stacked up against a tough opponent here and just got outplayed. Hats off to Station Camp,” he said.
The Eagles finished the season with a record of 28-9. With the season being over, Goff expressed how he will miss the senior players Hunter McLemore, Evan Schippers, McKinley Hopkins and Kase Cupples.
“I’m gonna miss my seniors. This is the toughest part of the year. When you’ve had them since they’ve been freshmen. You hate it for them. It’s their last go around. It’s their last swings…their last fielding balls. It’s just tough on everybody knowing that this group of guys are done. This team will never be assembled again.”

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