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  • Chester County High School Eagles Baseball run rules Hardin Co. 11-1

Chester County High School Eagles Baseball run rules Hardin Co. 11-1

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By Kendall Patterson
Sports Editor

Brooks Johnson bunts the ball to advance a teammate. Photo By Kendall Patterson

The Chester County Eagles Baseball team outplayed the Hardin County Tigers on April 4 and run-ruled them in the bottom of the sixth inning resulting in 11-1.
Up until the toop of the fifth, the Eagles looked as if they would shut down the Tigers and hold them at zero runs.
The Tigers were able to at least tally one run though.
To seal the win, in the bottom of the sixth, after multiple Eages got on base from walks or dead balls, Evan Schippers, who got a hit that inning, was able to steal home plate for the victory.
On Friday, April 7, the Eagles could not pull off the win against Crockett County and loss 3-7.
They started this week strong with a 7-0 victory over McNairy nonetheless.
This puts their record at 50 percent for the season with three losses and three wins.
Highlights from the Hardin County game include a triple hit by Jayce Goff and Hunter McLemore slamming his bat against the ball causing the ball to almost go over the outfield fence but a Hardin County outfielder caught the ball near the fence.

Jayce Goff is pumped and excited after he hit a triple last Tuesday night. Photo By Kendall Patterson

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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