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City accepts water line replacement project bid

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By Staff Writer, Holly Roeder

The City of Henderson Board of Mayor and Aldermen met Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024, in regular session. All members were in attendance with the exception of Alderman Michael Phelps.
The board approved all actionable agenda items unanimously in addition to an appeal from the Chester County Carl Perkins Center and a decision to research an agreement concerning the east water tower.
Chester County High School students Palmer Cox, Hadyn Haltom, Taylor McCarver, Jenna Melton, Katie Lovelace and Faith McManus, Senior Class president, addressed the board, requesting support for the yearly Project Graduation program. The board approved the yearly $500 donation with the Police Department donating an additional $500.
The board passed an ordinance on the final reading with a roll call vote, amending the personnel policy to reflect the elimination of the TCRS six month probationary period for new employees.
Utilities Director Darryl Green reported bids had been received on the North Ave. water line replacement project. He explained the project begins at Fourth St. on North Ave., replacing services, meter connections, fire hydrants, and moving everything to the new main line. The project abandons the old cast iron and includes new surfacing North Ave., including a short section of Fourth St. This project is funded by the ARP grant. Pending approval, Green said, he looks for the project to begin in about a month. Bids are R. Jones Underground, Inc. for $588,281.50 and Norris Brothers Excavating for $1,693,600. The board voted to accept the low bid of R. Jones Underground.
Green also shared with the board that repairs had been made to water plant generator. He said that, while it has been properly maintained, is a ’79 model and due to the necessity of keeping the water plant in operation during an emergency situation, for public health, community, fire protection, etc., it was necessary to repair and replace components. The project cost $11,202.28. This was completed just prior to the recent West Tennessee weather event which caused disrupt to services in many surrounding communities. City guidelines show expenditures greater than $5,000 are to be approved by the board with the exception of emergency situations. On such occasions, Mayor King has the authority to approve in emergency situations with the understanding it is brought back to the city for final approval. The board approved the costs unanimously.
City Recorder Jim Garland presented bids received for mowing city cemeteries, reporting three bids had been received. These included Bob’s Landscaping, Henderson, in the amount of $750, Turf Obsession, Henderson, for $1,100 and All Seasons Services, Dyersburg, for $2,120. A motion was made by Alderman Mark Barber to approve the low bid, allowing Garland, Mayor Bobby King and Public Works Director Carter Scales to make the final decision after checking references and receiving all paperwork. The motion carried.
City Fire Chief Doug Acred updated the board on grants for the fire department. He said the department plans to apply for the AFG micro grant for radios, including $75,000 in federal funds with 5% city match. He also plans to apply for a ladder truck. The current CDBG grant for a fire truck is in process, and the recently awarded volunteer fire department equipment grant for $48,270 with no local match, starts March 1, 2024. Acred said he plans to purchase supply hose and three thermal imaging cameras with these funds.
A letter from Carl Perkins was presented by Mayor King, requesting the release of $40,000 from funds previously promised by the city, for completion of the medical section in the therapeutic environment of the new Chester County Carl Perkins Center on Record Drive. The release of funds was unanimously approved.
In other news, Alderman Keith Smith questioned $66,000 listed as “Cell Tower Income” under the water and sewer department. According to Garland, this income dates back some 20 years and concerns a lease agreement on the east water tower. The agreement was facilitated by a utility service from Georgia that leases water tanks to cell companies. Garland said there has been some question as to the wording of the contract and automatic renewal. The board voted for the city attorney to research the terms of the contract.
The board scheduled a work session to discuss the upcoming budget. They will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27.

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