Hello to my family and friends. For this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! This is a new week and a new month, another month for new beginnings, new thoughts and a chance to do things better. Most of all, it is a blessing to be with you this week. I pray that you had a wonderful time on Easter Sunday and that you went to the church of your choice. For some people the only time you will see them in church is on Mother’s Day, Christmas and Easter! You know I am so glad they came!
On March 29, I received some sad news that Mama Freddie, Mrs. Alfreda Ross Ingram, had gone home to be with the Lord. Mama Freddie and my parents grew up together. I have so many great memories from when we were children. To my little nephew Desmond, the Ross and Ingram family, we are praying that the Lord will give you strength in this season of your life. The City of Henderson just wanted to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Well, April has arrived, and what does that mean? I would like to share with you some facts about the month of April. The entire month of April is Alcohol Awareness Month. It is also National Autism Awareness Month, National Minority Health Month, Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month. April 1-7 is the National Public Health Week, April 7 is World Health Day, and April 22-29 is National Infant Immunization Week. April is also the time when the Cuckoo and Swallow arrive to let us know that spring is in the air. I am ready for these birds to start singing. I hope you had a wonderful spring break for those who had one.
Well, baseball and softball are in the air, and so is soccer. Oh, how I wish I could turn back the hands of time when my children were playing these sports. As a parent I knew my child was safe at home base because that umpire did not see what I saw and you know moms are never wrong! Parents, enjoy the days you have with your children, and when they are grown, you will have some great “you remember when” moments and fun as they get older.
A BIG shout out to the staff at Southern Oaks and Henderson Health and Rehabilitation Center. Thank you for all you do for our loved ones in the facility where you work. The residents are in a good and safe place. Why? Because you work there!
I would like for my family and friends to join me on April 9 at 6 p.m. for the Sterling Awards Ceremony that will be held in the Lane College Chambers McClure Academic Center, (CMAC) 808 N. Hays Ave in Jackson. This year, by the Grace of God, I won the Award for “Outstanding Woman Military Veteran.” I am very proud to represent my City and County. To God be the Glory! Congratulations to all of the twenty (20) Most Influential Women in West Tennessee in the Sterling Awards 2024! Thank you Business and Professional Women in Tennessee!
We would like to say Happy Birthday to the following: Brooke Emerson on April 4, Amy Edwards on April 9 and Larry Day on April 2. We would like to wish a Happy Belated Birthday to Desmond Ingram, Sr. and Jonathan Graham on March 31! May the Lord bless all of you on your special day!
Pray for our loved ones who are in the hospitals, for the ones who are sick in their homes, for our children, teachers and families, for the men and women who are serving our country and also for the incarcerated.
Remember to patronize with our local businesses here in town; let us try to support our own as much as we can.
If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to hear from you. Text me at 608-6132 or leave a message. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!