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Community gathers for Memorial Day service

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Monday May 27 at City Hall, Paul D. Martin (LTC US Army retired) welcomed guests, was the Master of the ceremonies, gave the presentation “Military Expectations” and concluded the flag-raising ceremony at the Memorial Day service honoring Veterans. Photo By: Kara Crump, Independent

By Kara Crump
Staff Writer

A Memorial Day service was held honoring Veterans Monday, May 27, at Henderson City Hall. Paul D. Martin (LTC US Army retired) welcomed guests, was the Master of the ceremonies and gave the presentation “Military Expectations.” Throughout Paul D. Martin’s speech, he taught of the numbers of deaths and ways of death to Veterans in the past 40 years. This included through: Homicide (2,297 deaths), Illness (9,601 deaths), Suicide (10,145 deaths), Accidents (24,422 deaths), Terrorism (416 deaths) and Killed in Action (5,687 deaths). The total came to 53, 679 of Military lives that been taken. Chris Dunbar (Commander, Legion 157 US Army) gave a speech, during which he stated, “They fought and sacrificed so others might live in peace. Free from the fear of tyranny and aggression. On this Memorial Day, our hearts should swell in thankfulness and pride. As we reflect on our Nation’s enduring heritage of liberty under law and on continuing expansion of democratic ideals around the globe.”
The laying of a Memorial Day Wreath held by each category: Chester County Sherriff’s Department (wreath laid by Deputy Chief Mark Griffin on behalf of 3,000 sheriffs and 175,000 deputy sheriffs who serve today on duty and around our country), Henderson Police Department (Deputy Chief Tim Crow on behalf of the 26,000 officers who have died in the line of duty), Chester County/Henderson Fire Departments (wreath laid by Captain Luke Foster on behalf of 3,262 firefighters who have died in the line of duty over the past 40 years alone), and American Legion (wreath laid by Commander Chris Dunbar on behalf of 3,036,687 service men and women who have died from all causes in service to their country since 1775).
Mayor Bobby King was in attendance to honor Veterans. Mayor Barry Hutcherson gave his Proclamation for the service. He stated, “I’m honored to bring this Proclamation. Whereas, on Monday May 27, 2024, in cities and towns throughout our nation, Americans will join together to honor the heroes of our armed forces on this 156th anniversary of Memorial Day.”
The Memorial Day Tribute and the National Hymn were among the videos played during the ceremony. The closing prayer was led by Reverend Paul Boucher. Gloria Holiday (MSGT USMC retired) directed the posting of the colors in the introduction and led the closing by retirement of the colors. The flag-raising ceremony outside immediately followed the commemoration.

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