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Hello to all from this little corner of the world. Only six days until Christmas. The temperature on Sunday was 60 degrees, and it was a cloudy day. We have had rain several days this week. Friday and Saturday night will be cold, and then we head back into the 50’s and 60’s. I surely hope we do not have frigid temperatures to start the New Year off. I think Mother Nature is enjoying the ups and downs in the weather.
Condolences to all who have lost loved ones.
I know many people are low on funds at Christmas time for various reasons, and I am thankful for those agencies and others who try to help in any way possible. It is hard on a lot of people. Groceries are high, utilities have to be watched and medicine is also needed. I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas. Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season! It is also the time of year to gather with family and friends and give thanks for our many blessings. I have friends who have lost their husbands recently, injuries to another. There are others with illnesses, and it is hard to think positively when it seems things are at their worst. I have had to work on this for some time. I try my best to get up and be thankful for every day. As we have lost a son and my parents, I have some experience with negative thoughts. We give thanks for another day and plan on being happy. Day after day, be satisfied. We do not control one thing. We make choices and how we feel is our choice. Some people never see good, and others know there is light at the end of the road (Jesus). Try it every day, and, slowly but surely, you will become more positive and can help someone else. A friend helped me. Merry Christmas to ALL!
We enjoyed the Christmas Musical (A Journey of Hope) at Friendship Baptist Church Sunday. The choir was dressed in red or green, and the music was beautiful. The children went to the front for Bro. Glenn to tell the Christmas story. We had a potluck meal after church, and everyone was invited. We are grateful for the visitors and hope you come back any time. Thanks to all who attended.
Happy birthday to Lauren Johnson, 12-15; Derrith Cooper, Ann Hinson and Noah Azbill, 12-20; and Paula McKinney, 12-21.
Happy anniversary to Charlotte and John Webb, 12-17.
Prayer requests for Wesley Bates, Paula Berry, Georgia Burkeen, J.T. and Jeanette Butler, Jackie Chambers, Rickey Clayton, Myra Davis, James Ellis, Joie Freeman, Joey Harris, LaDawn Hayes, Danny Hodges, Brenda Hopper, Kristen Hurley, Sue Lewis, Doris McKinney, Martha Mainord, Jeff Mays, Deana Morris, Darryl Newsom, Jim Newsom, Glenda Parchman, Julia Parchman, James Parrish, Trudy Powers, Pam Priddy, Ridge Ray, Todd Rencher, Phillip and Polly Robison, Donald Rowlett, Mollie Russell, Brenda Seaton, Dyke Sells, Cathy Sisson, Penney Sparks, Jacob Thomas, Kevin Thurman, Tony Tucker, Cammi Walls, Charles Wray and Mike Young.
Also, remember our first responders, military, firefighters and law enforcement officers.
“The deepest level of worship is praising God through the pain, thanking God through the trials, trusting Him when we’re tempted to lose hope, and loving Him, even when He seems distant. At my lowest, God is my hope. At my darkest, God is my light. At my weakest, God is my strength. At my saddest, God is my comforter.” – unknown
I pray you all have a wonderful week and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

By Betty Quarles

There sure are a lot of activities during this month.
Everyone enjoyed the lunch at Deanburg Baptist on Sunday. So much good food; I wish more people were there to enjoy the food and fellowship.
If you missed the “Chester County Country Christmas” at Williams Auditorium on Saturday night, you will have to wait until next year. You cannot believe all the great talent in our little county until you can hear them, especially the younger ones. They just about stole the show.
Chickasaw Park once again did an outstanding job with the Lighting of the Park. I know it took a lot of hard work by a lot of people to do all of that. We really enjoyed the live nativity representing different churches. Thanks for your commitment portraying the real reason for Christmas while enduring the weather.
The chair yoga classes are taking a break until January.
The Deanburg Community Club meets at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the center. We need more people in the community to get involved, so please come and join the group.
The Chester County F.C.E. Family and Community Education Club, formerly Home Demonstration Club, meets once a month, usually at City Hall. We have several members but are always glad to have new members or the return of former members.
A few years ago we had 12 clubs, one in each community, but due to ill health, deaths and old age (ugh) we have gotten smaller.
Call 731-988-5122 with news. ‘Til next time, stay well and take care!

Hello from Enville! We are having quite a bit of rain this week. Later on, we will have sunshine but colder temperatures.
I hope your week is going well! The days until Christmas are ticking down. I am still not done with my shopping, but, hopefully, I will get it done soon. It is coming fast, so I hope you all are finished or close like me. I will do my candy making this week. I always enjoy that, and I send some to our daughters’ workplaces to share with their co-workers. They always come back with empty containers!
We already had Christmas at my sister’s in Pontotoc, Miss. We had a lot of good finger foods and fun playing Dirty Santa. We always enjoy our time together there!
Winter begins on Saturday, Dec. 21. This is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight in the year. The winter solstice is an astronomical event that marks the moment when the sun’s path reaches its southernmost point in the sky. This will be the shortest daylight hours of the year. The days will begin getting longer after that, and that will be nice! Winter lasts until March 20, 2025.
Happy birthday wishes go to Ron Maness and Cory Finley on Dec. 23. Happy anniversary to James and Debbie Vinson on Dec. 21. We hope you all enjoy your special day!
It saddens my heart to hear about all the shootings that have been happening lately in Adamsville, Selmer and Savannah. Please pray for the ones who are recovering and the families of those who lost their lives.
Pray for the families of Bonnie Johnson, Julia Miller and the McNairy County deputy, Ricky Finley. Continue prayers for Harold and Janice Maness, Robert and Linda Johnson, Jeremy Crowell, Mary Lee Guyon, Mary Lou Avent, Robert Smith, Ann Pugh, Shirley Hampton, Della Mixon, Kaye Killingsworth, Shirley Bishop, Emily Freeman, Karl Starnes, Janice Massengill Strickland, James Vinson, Jimmy Robertson, Jeff Finley, Glenn Butts, Rick Ooley, Mike Finley, our firefighters, first responders, law enforcement, healthcare workers, military, schools and school board, our county and country and ,as always, each other.
My sister, Jane Whitten, who lost her home to a fire, thanks everyone from the bottom of her heart for their help in every way in her time of need. She is very blessed with so many friends and said she loves each of you!
If you have news, call me at 608-3058, or if you want to rent the community center, call Pat Cates at 688-5125 or 315-8062.
Have a blessed week everyone!

By: Marcus Fry/Mary Lynn Lambert

Silerton Baptist Church had their Christmas dinner this past Saturday. A wonderful meal was prepared by the ladies, bingo was played and presents were exchanged.
Gwen Lindley had Marcus/Jamie Fry over for a Christmas dinner. The Frys enjoyed seeing Joe and Trudy Stack and had a great time meeting some of their talented and interesting friends. The Frys received a grand tour of Gwen’s animatronic Christmas Santa-land house.
Since Marcus moved up here to build his house, many wonderful and kind ladies have invited him over for meals and kept him alive the first year. He has been pressured to declare who has been the best cook. Marcus’ official, steadfast statement has been to declare that all have been delicious, each with their own respective strengths. He wants no part in shattering the peace of Silerton and in creating strife that will last generations.
For those who have received fruit cakes for presents and who do not care for them and have enough door stops, Marcus will gladly take them off your hands.
Gwen Lindley and Melanie James enjoyed hearing their church friends singing Happy Birthday to them last week. 
Continue to pray for Carolyn Stack as she was transferred to Henderson Heath and Rehab Center in Henderson. Frankie Lambert is showing improvement with his therapy. Prayers are also requested for Robert Fry.
Remember that the Silerton Fire Dept. bake sale will be Dec. 20 at Tractor Supply in Bolivar. 
Frankie and Mary Lynn thoroughly enjoyed listening to Judy Chandler Dillard share memories concerning veterans in her family. With military conflicts occurring on the world scene, I thought it would be interesting to hear from family members regarding facts about Silerton area veterans. Her father, William Chandler, served during World War II, 1941-45. Because of medical problems in the bones of his feet, he was not sent to combat. He served in the army in Montpelier, Vt., reaching the rank of sergeant. He was asked to deliver some prisoners to California. On his way back, he drove through Tennessee to stop and meet his firstborn, Judy. After a short visit, he traveled back to base. William had two brothers, Victor Chandler and Austin Chandler, also serving during this timeframe. Victor served in the Navy at a refueling station in Guam. Austin was in Army, serving in combat in Austria. He received a wound in his neck which burst his eardrum.
Two maternal uncles served in the navy following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Also, on her maternal side, she had several cousins serving in Korea. Judy grew up and married James Dillard. James had two brothers, Thomas and Burton, who served during the Vietnam era. Thomas was in bombing procedure. Burton was an Army teacher near Athens, Ga., teaching chemical training to new recruits.
Bill Dillard, son, served in Iraq in 1991. Cody, grandson, served in the National Guard and served in Afghanistan.
Judy certainly comes from a family of veterans who have served our country.
If you are interested in sharing any facts about a family veteran’s service from the Silerton area, please call 731-609-6455.

Christmas is just around the corner. Praying that everyone will focus on the Reason for the Season.
We appreciate all our members at the center and would love for more of our community to get involved. With more help, we could plan more events for our community. Membership dues are $25 after your first initial year of joining, and they are due for this current year. Membership dues need to be paid now to be considered an active member. We also take donations. Payments can be mailed to Edith Sills at 4475 Sunshine Rd, Henderson, TN 38340. Call Ann Moore at 608-2033 or myself if you have any new ideas for the center or wish to get involved. People who want to rent the community center should contact Betty Cooper at 879-9078 for booking. We ask those renting our facility to please follow our rules and show respect for the building. We try to keep it in the best order possible, and it takes everyone cooperating to make that happen. If you care about this community, please get involved in what is taking place to continue to grow our county and make it a better place to live and raise a family. Get to know what is changing in our local government, schools, churches and communities through the news, friends, your church, teachers, etc., and if it matters to you, there are ways to help make things better.
Our local governmental meetings need more community support. If you care about Chester County, please pay attention to what is taking place in our county and come out and show your interest. Everyone should be mindful of what is going on in our country and care enough to help make a difference.
Montezuma sends out Happy Birthday wishes to Curtis Morrison on Dec. 19, Clay Cox on Dec. 21, Clay Murley on Dec. 22, Marsha Barclay on Dec. 23 and Erin Fontana on Dec. 25. 
There is much spiritual warfare with society accepting things that go against who God is and what HIS laws are that we are to follow. Every day of life has its challenges, but if we look to God for the right path, it can be a good one. Enjoy what time you have with your creator, your family and your friends. Please be in prayer for the our local and federal government, law enforcement, school staff and teachers and the listed individuals of Brenda Hannah, Donna Doyle, Mike Lott, Linda Hopper, Cindy Kilzer, Quinten Johnson, Jerry Fletcher, Curtis Morrison, Renee Jordan, Ruby Hannah, Donnie Brooks, Linda Plunk, Mike Tedford, Sherry Fletcher, Chuck Beacham, Sandra Lott, Faye Crouse, Janice Morris, Jeanette Walker, Paul Schilling, Nancy Crouse and others that are sick or healing. We especially want to remember the families of Julia Miller, Gene Carter, David Brent Ross and other families that have recently lost loved ones. With new leadership taking the seat in January, we can pray that God’s hand will be in decisions made about our country going forward. Pray for a better economy for sure.
I am always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to or text me at 608-2857.
As always, until next time, I am wishing a very blessed week to all you readers!

Hello to everyone! I am so glad to be with you one more time. It is only by the grace of God that we are here, and it is a blessing. For this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! I was just thinking about how fast this year has gone. We have less than 14 days left in the year of 2024. As it gets closer to Christmas, it seems like the more people are stressing out and worrying about how to get everything the child is asking for. I was reading and ran across an article about six healthy ways to handle holiday stress. I would like to share them with you.

  1. Go outside and exercise
  2. Focus on being grateful
  3. Meditate
  4. Look to serve others
  5. Enjoy guilt-free downtime
  6. Watch or listen to things that bring you joy
    I pray this will help because I know how stressful life can be. I also know we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!
    Within the last months, I have heard about so many people that I know and love who are getting sick, and some of them have even passed away. Our daughter LaWanna is always reminding us to take care of ourselves, be happy and do not worry! The older I get, the more I am listening to her!
    Before we depart, as you finish reading this column, let us take time out now to pray for all the bereaved families, a family that has experienced the death of a loved one or a close friend. The prayer could be for you as well! “Dear Lord, we entrust our dear friends and family members into Your loving arms. In this time of sorrow, we give our weary hearts to You. Lord, we thank You for Your loving embrace to surround all grieving families. May they find Love, peace in a time like this. Lord, thank You for Your constant presence and feeling the peace of You that surpasses all understanding; love and God bless! Amen”
    Continue to pray for our United States of America. Do not forget to patronize with our local businesses here in town during this holiday season; let us try to support our own as much as we can. If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to hear from you. Call or text me at 608-6132 and leave your message. LOVE YOU! HAVE A BLESSED WEEK!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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