Community News – July 25, 2024

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Hello from Enville! Hopefully, you all are enjoying your week. We have had a few little pop up showers here in Enville; some had more rain, but at our house, we have not had much at all. We are still hoping for more!
Mark your calendars for Aug. 24. Our annual Enville Wild Goose Shindig will be taking place. It will be before we know it! There will be barbeque pork, chicken and bologna, hamburgers and hotdogs, a cakewalk, silent auction, entertainment and a 50/50 drawing. This will take place from 4-9 p.m. Come on out in support of the Enville Volunteer Fire Department and the Enville Community Club!
Happy birthday wishes go to Connie Timmer on July 26, Blake Thompson and Brayden Thompson on July 27, Gage Carter Finley on July 28, llyana Marie Carson on July 29, Nicole Thompson and Ryan Trammell on July 31. We hope you all enjoy your special day!
Please pray for the family of Lisa Bishop and continue prayers for Robert and Linda Johnson, Tera O’Neal, Harold and Janice Maness, Mary Lee Guyon, Agnes and Robert Smith, Anita Needler, Bonnie Johnson, Mary Lou Avent, Ashley Pugh, Ann Pugh, Shirley Hampton, Della Mixon, Kaye Killingsworth, Janice Massengill Strickland, Tim and Tabitha Hampton, Jeff Finley, James Vinson, Jimmy Robertson, Rick Ooley, Mike Pugh, Mike Frank, Glenn Butts, Doyle and Shirley Bishop, Justin Godsey, Mike Finley, Lee Trice, our firefighters, first responders, law enforcement, healthcare workers, military, our county and country, those who have lost loved ones and, as always, each other.
To rent the community center, call Pat Cates at 731-688-5125 or 731-315-8062. If you have news to share, call me at 731-608-3058.
Have a blessed week everyone!

Montezuma Community Center will be hosting another “Big Country Breakfast and Bake Sale” from 7-10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3. Plates will include sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits, gravy and beverages all for $7 per plate. To go plates will be available.
Back to school is just around the corner. We need to pray for students, staff and teachers as they get ready to dive into another year of learning.
It is definitely time for Americans to wake up and realize that VIOLENCE is not the answer to our issues. Americans should be getting on their knees more and repenting and requesting God’s help in any and all decisions that are being made in our lives. Imagine how wonderful life would be if people were more respectable toward each other and our country.
Our Election Commission could use some volunteers to work the next two elections for this year, which will be in August and November, and it will require some training. We are requesting anyone with interest to call the Election Commission office at 989-4039. We are just looking for ways to help with budget cuts for our county. Non-paid workers will help with this matter.
Montezuma sends out Happy Birthday wishes to Lacelynn Quarles on July 25, Joyce Naylor on July 26, Will Brown on July 27, Lude Moody on July 30 and Justin Denbow on July 31.
We need more community involvement for our center and would like to invite people to join in. Renewal dues are $25 after your first initial year of joining. Membership dues need to be paid now to be considered an active member. We also take donations. Payments can be mailed to Edith Sills at 4475 Sunshine Rd, Henderson, TN 38340. We appreciate all our members and would like to have more events if we can get enough help to do so. Call Ann Moore at 608-2033 or myself if you have any new ideas for the center or wish to get involved. People who want to rent the community center should contact Betty Cooper at 879-9078 for booking. We ask those renting our facility to please follow our rules and show respect for the building. We try to keep it in the best order possible, and it takes everyone cooperating to make that happen. If you care about this community, please get involved in what is taking place to continue to grow our County and make it a better place to live and raise a family. Get to know what is changing in our local government, schools, churches and communities through the news, friends, your church, teachers, etc., and if it matters to you, there are ways to help make things better.
There is much spiritual warfare with society accepting things that go against who God is and what HIS laws are that we are to follow. Every day of life has its challenges, but if we look to God for the right path, it can be a good one. Enjoy what time you have with your creator, your family and friends. Please be in prayer for our local and federal government, law enforcement, school staff, teachers and the listed individuals of Devenda Frank, Cindy Kilzer, Carolyn Higgins, Quinten Johnson, Connie Dunn, Donna Doyle, Norma Sue Kitchen, Jerry Fletcher, Janice Schultz, Bobbie Bethune, Jimmy Smith, Mark Hall, Curtis Morrison, Renee Jordan, Wesley Whitman, Ruby Hannah, Donnie Brooks, Linda Plunk, Lee Trice, Patricia Ledford, Mike Tedford, Sherry Fletcher, Chuck Beacham, Sandra Lott, Faye Crouse, Janice Morris, Jeanette Walker, Paul Schilling, Nancy Crouse and others that are sick or healing. We especially want to remember the families of Linda Dowdy, Louise Taylor, Lisa Bishop, Julie Crouse, Dwight Hudson, Bud Butler and other families that have recently lost loved ones.
I am always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to or text me at 608-2857. As always, I am wishing a very blessed week to all you readers. Until next time!

Hello to everyone! It is good to be here with you one more time. For this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Thought for today – “There are two questions we have to ask ourselves. The first is ‘Where am I going?’ and the second is ‘Who will go with me?’ If you ever get these questions in the wrong order, you are in trouble.” – Howard Thurman.
This week will be a very busy week for the SWHRA Head Start department. It was the first week back for the teachers, teacher assistants and classroom aides. They are getting ready for the children to enter the classroom. Head Start has applications for three- and four-year-old children. Children must be three or four years old by 8/15/2024 for the school year 2024-25. No fees for the services. The child does not have to be potty trained. Family Case Managers Susan Strickland (731-608-9102) and Rachael Goodman (731-608-9049) are taking applications. You can also call the Head Start Center at 731-989-2561 or the SWHRA Head Start Office at 731-989-5111.                     
The BIG Back to School Bash was Saturday, July 20, at Chester County Middle School. Over 300 students received school supplies. Awesome turn out! The city of Henderson would like to say, “Thank you,” to all of the vendors, the local churches, the principal of Chester County Middle School and the Chester County CAB members!” You did an excellent job!
Do not forget that Tennessee tax free weekend starts July 26 and ends July 28! If you missed the Back to School Bash, you can save with Tennessee tax weekend.
If you would like to meet the Chester County Middle School teachers, you will have the opportunity on July 30 at Williams Auditorium starting at 6:30 p.m. Come out and meet our children’s teachers!
Congratulations! To the 6U Chester County all-stars boys! They came in third place out of 10 teams in the World Series at Ace Basin Baseball Complex in Walterboro, S.C. I am so proud of Lincoln Cobb and his team. Kristen Cobb and all of the other moms and dads, thank you for allowing your boys to represent Chester County. This was a lifetime experience!
Early voting is coming to an end! July 27 is the last day of early voting! If you have not voted, make your ways to the polls and vote. No vote! No voice! Kathy, you and your staff are doing an outstanding JOB! Keep up the great work!
Happy Birthday shout-out to the following: Debra McAnally on July 20, Cynthia Brown on July 24 and Pastor James Elams. The City of Henderson loves you, and we pray the Lord will bless you with many more!
Good news! Ms. Ethel Croom is out of the hospital, and she is doing very well, but keep her in your prayers. Ms. Valerie is requesting prayer for her nephew Marlon Thomas and her sister-in-law Georgia Thomas. Others on the prayer list are Laura Shield, Dionnell Harris and Marilyn Myhan.
Continue to pray for our children, teachers and families, the men and women that are serving our country and also the incarcerated. Please pray for our President Joe Biden. 
Remember to patronize with our local businesses here in town. Let us try to support our own as much as we can.
If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to hear from you. Text me at 608-6132 and leave your message. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

Hello to all from this little corner of the world. The temperature Sunday was 86 degrees and felt like 89 degrees. Skies were a beautiful light blue with white clouds. There is a good chance of scattered rain most days next week with temperatures in the 80s.
Well, the heat and rain will continue to make the grass grow. We will have to mow again this week. Time is going by so fast. School starts Aug. 5, and before we know it, it will be fall. I enjoy summer, but fall is my favorite season.
The sermon at Friendship-Baptist Church Sunday was from Proverbs 22:6. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I have heard this for much of my life, and when I had children, of course it meant more. I wanted to be sure my children knew the Lord! We also taught them right from wrong. Do children always do right? No. Do they do mostly right? No, but hopefully, they learn lessons. We all make mistakes. There is no perfect human; we all fail. It is our job to make sure children are equipped to know God and eventually build a relationship with Him.
He is the reason I live. He gave His life for me, and I adore Him. He is my Everything! He has seen me through my worst, and that is losing a child. I will never “get over it,” but with the grace of God, I will make it through. It has been this way since 12-11-1997. If you do not know Him now, get a bible and read it; watch faith shows. You can watch our worship time on Facebook by searching our church name. I pray for all those who need Him but do not know Him. Learn from your children if they go. It could develop into a common interest. It will be the best thing you ever did.
Happy birthday to Bruce Morris, 7-21; Zach Eaton, Julian Gamez and Peggy King, 7-23; Tiffany Knipper, 7-25; Boyd Cupples, 7-26; and Jordan Ross, 7-27.
Happy anniversary to Hillary and Jared Blankenship, 7-23; Diann and Mike Young, 7-24; and Tiffany and Jonathan Knipper, 7-29.
Please continue to remember these in prayer – Wesley Bates, Paula Berry, Marie Bishop, Judy Bray, Regina Brooks, J.T. and Jeannette Butler, Jackie Chambers, Rickey Clayton, Pat and Paul Coleman, Joie Freeman, Jennifer Gateley, Joey Harris, Bro. Glen and Judy Harris, LaDawn Hayes, Danny Hodges, Brenda Hopper, Larry Johnson, Eva and Alvin Jones, Justin Lindsay, Doris McKinney, Martha Mainord, Brianne Locke Matheney, Deana Morris, Darryl Newsom, Jim Newsom, Julia Parchman, James Parrish, Beth Plunk, Trudy Powers, Pam Priddy, Ridge Ray, Mollie Russell, Nona Seaton, Dyke Sells, Cathy Sisson, Jacob Thomas, Kevin Thurman, Lee Trice, Tony Tucker, Cammi Walls and Mike Young.
Also, pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and first responders.
“When God wanted to create fish, HE spoke to the sea. When God wanted to create trees, HE spoke to the earth. But, when God wanted to create man, He turned to himself. Then, God said “Let us make man in our image and in our likeness.” If you take a fish out of water, it will die; and when you remove a tree from soil, it will also die. Likewise, when man is disconnected from God, he dies. God is our natural environment. We were created to live in HIS presence. We have to be connected to HIM because it is only in HIM that life exists. Let us stay connected to God. We recall that water without fish is still water, but fish without water is nothing. The soil without a tree is still soil, but the tree without soil is nothing. God without man is still GOD, but man without God is nothing.” – unknown
I pray you all have a wonderful week and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

© Copyright 2024, 218 S Church Ave Henderson, TN