Community News – June 6, 2024

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Hello everyone! I am back. Sorry I missed getting my news in last week.
Megan Landers had a birthday on June 2. I hope you had a great day!
This week we have Billy Mays on June 8, Shirley Merridith on June 9 and Cathy McKinnie on June 11. Have a good day!
Continue prayers for Woodie Deming, Kristen Jones and Joyce Stewart. Also remember our nation in all that is going on. Pray our leaders will realize the truth and do what is right for our people. Pray for our first responders, our law enforcement and shut-ins and nursing home patients. Also, remember the ones that have lost family.
Our devotion this week: “‘But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us! (NLT)’ 1 Chronicles 29:14
“When you fully recognize everything you have comes from God, it’s only natural to question your importance. For Him to love you so much to bestow meaningful gifts, comfort you, or speak to you as only our Lord can, it makes you feel special. Soak up this feeling of significance. God considers you to be very important and He treasures you greatly.” Enhance your daily devotion with the Daily Bible Devotion app. Find inspiration and guidance at your fingertips. Get it on the App Store:
“Thank you for always being there for us, protecting and defending us from danger and harm. When we are united with you, we stand, but when we are divided and separated from you, we surely fall. Keep us united with you and each other in your love and friendship.”
Quote: “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”
Father’s Day is June 16. I hope all fathers have a wonderful day with family. And children, go see your father because you will not always have him. I miss my Dad so much and wish him a happy Father’s Day in Heaven.
May God bless all of you each day! Call me at 879-9777 to report any news.

Life has been very hectic lately, and I apologize but just no time to write extra for this week. Praying that everyone has a great week!
Montezuma sends out Happy Birthday wishes to Hunter Hemby and Becky Hutcherson on June 10.
We need more community involvement for our center and would like to invite people to join in. Renewal dues are $25 after your first initial year of joining. Membership dues need to be paid now to be considered an active member. We also take donations. Payments can be mailed to Edith Sills at 4475 Sunshine Rd, Henderson, TN 38340. We appreciate all our members and would like to have more events if we can get enough help to do so. Call Ann Moore at 608-2033 or myself if you have any new ideas for the center or wish to get involved. People who want to rent the community center should contact Betty Cooper at 879-9078 for booking. We ask those renting our facility to please follow our rules and show respect for the building. We try to keep it in the best order possible, and it takes everyone cooperating to make that happen. If you care about this community, please get involved in what is taking place to continue to grow our county and make it a better place to live and raise a family. Get to know what is changing in our local government, schools, churches and communities through the news, friends, your church, teachers, etc., and if it matters to you, there are ways to help make things better.
There is much spiritual warfare with society accepting things that go against who God is and what HIS laws are that we are to follow. Every day of life has its challenges, but if we look to God for the right path, it can be a good one. Enjoy what time you have with your creator, your family and your friends. Please pray for our local government, the County Commission Budget Committee as they start preparing the budget for the 2024-25, the federal government, law enforcement, school staff, teachers and the listed individuals of Devenda Frank, Mike Frank, Donna Doyle, Norma Sue Kitchen, Jerry Fletcher, Janice Schultz, Bobbie Bethune, Jimmy Smith, Mark Hall, Curtis Morrison, Renee Jordan, Wesley Whitman, Ruby Hannah, Donnie Brooks, Linda Plunk, Lee Trice, Patricia Ledford, Mike Tedford, Clint Murley, Sherry Fletcher, Chuck Beacham, Sandra Lott, Faye Crouse, Janice Morris, Lisa Bishop, Jeanette Walker, Paul Schilling, Nancy Crouse and others that are sick or healing. We especially want to remember the families of Helen ‘Kay’ Moore, Janet Powers, Shelia Nance of Beech Bluff (my first cousin), Robbie Bridges Powell, Jerry Banks and other families that have recently lost loved ones.
I am always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to or text me at 608-2857. As always, I am wishing a very blessed week to all you readers. Until next time!

Hello from Sweetlips. I hope this finds folks doing well. I for one was happy to step outside and enjoy a beautiful, sunny day.
I know the children as well as the teachers are enjoying their summer vacation. I do not know if it is because of my age or what, but the time seems to be flying by. As long as the children were in school, I knew what day it was. Now on occasion, I find myself wondering what day it is! A senior moment maybe?
This is a bit after the fact, but congratulations to all the graduates. I would say how proud I am of my grandson, William Wade. I wish life’s best for all of them as they step into the next phases of their lives.
I would also like to thank the good neighbors who see a need and, without being asked, just show up and take care of it. I thank the Lord for giving people a servant’s heart.
Hey, folks, is anyone else besides Sweetlips having fire ant issues? I can hardly step outside. My yard is covered with fire ant hills. I am severely allergic. I love outside, but it has become a hazard to my health.
Happy Birthday to Scott Lewis, June 1; Greg Russell and Nathan Pickett, June 2; Sarah McEarl, June 4; Don Willis, June 5; Chuck Davis, June 7; Charles McEarl, June 9; Chastity Harris, June 11; Danny Keen, June 13; Darlene Hurst, June 13; and Wendell Murphy, June 15.
Anniversary wishes go out to Ricky and Norma McPeake, June 1; Charles and Virginia McEarl, June 4; Keisha and Chad Cherry, June 7; and Nick and Lauren Moody, June 9.
Prayers for those who are sick, facing tests or just having a rough time. God is a whisper away.
For those who wish to refresh your soul or just be uplifted, Sweetlips Baptist Church will be holding revival services beginning June 17-21. The service will be at 7 pm. each evening. Pastor Howard Goolsby will be holding the service. Everyone is invited to attend. I think of it as a car low on gas; revival is fuel for the soul!
Thought of the week: Friends are like angels. You do not have to see them to know they are there.
If you have news to share, call 731-879-9840.

Hello to everyone! Greetings from the City. For this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. What about you? I am so glad to be an American and to have the freedom we have. Just being able to say, “Thank you, Lord,” is a blessing.  Sorry I missed last week! However, I am here this week! To God be the Glory! My life is so complex; this is why I take one day at a time. My mother, Mrs. Annie, would sing the song “One day at a time sweet Jesus.” I can hear her singing it now!
Thank you, Lord, for the new month of June.  Can you believe we are in our sixth month of 2024? WOW! June has some very important dates, but before I list those, let me tell you that June 1 was a very special day for a young couple! This couple celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. It is traditionally known as the golden anniversary. The color gold is associated with the milestone and is often used as a gift material. You know gold symbolizes wisdom, strength, and prosperity, which are fitting for a marriage that has lasted 50 years or more. This special anniversary also commemorates the couple’s shared memories, joys, and hardships. According to the bride, what keeps the couple together, “…was the Lord, prayer, love, forgiveness, communication and understanding!” You are an example for so many married couples! The city of Henderson would like to say Congratulations to Mr. Ivey and Mrs. Silver Huddleston, who were married on June 1, 1974. We pray the Lord will bless you with many more years together. Remember like I always say – Keep the Honey in the Moon!
Now, did you know that June is the National Candy Month, National Dairy Month, and National Iced Tea Month? So you can eat your candy and drink all the milk and southern tea you would like!
June 6 is D-Day, which ultimately led to the end of the Second World War; according to US Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, 119,550 of the 16.4 million Americans who served in World War II are alive as of 2023. Please remember and honor them as you reflect on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Thank you, to all of the men and women serving our country!
Our condolences to the Jones family; another loved one has gone to Paradise. Calvin Jones will be missed but not forgotten! The city of Henderson is praying for your strength, peace and comfort for the days and months ahead.   
Last week, I received a very sad phone call that Mr. Bill Overway had passed away. I remember when he worked at Piggly Wiggly. Mr. Bill loved his family and was a very nice man, and he loved the Lord! Please keep Mrs. Overway, Lisa and Alex in your prayers.
Mrs. Neitha Ross, the city of Henderson would like to say Happy Belated Birthday to you! You celebrated your 87th birthday day on March 27. It is a blessing from the Lord! Continue to enjoy your popcorn! We pray that the Lord will keep you in good health and bless you with many more birthdays!  
Happy birthday to Susan Presson, 6/3; Letitia Roberson, 6/2; and Quincy Jones, 6/7. May the Lord bless all of you with many more. 
Our USA needs much prayer, so continue to pray for the people! Pray for the men and women that are serving our country, the incarcerated and the bereaved families everywhere.
Remember to patronize with our local businesses here in town; let us try to support our own as much as we can.   
If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to HEAR from you. Call or text me at 608-6132.    

Hello to all from this little corner of the world. The skies were light gray on Saturday, and it rained off and on. The temperature was 69 degrees. I am enjoying these cooler afternoons. Our plants are happy and so are the birds. Our prothonotary warbler returned today, and James is happy. He can sit in his chair and watch it come back and forth to its birdhouse. Good luck to everyone with lawns to mow or anything else outdoors. It is a hit or miss during this next week.
Friendship Baptist Church will have VBS from 6-8:30 p.m. June 17-20. The theme is “Diving into Friendship with God.” We hope to see you there!
Condolences to all who have lost loved ones.
Congratulations to our granddaughter, Braelyn Ellis, on her award from University of Memphis for outstanding academic achievement in earning Dean’s List! We are so very proud of you and keep up the great work!
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Utley and Sarah of Scottsborough, Ala., visited her mother Rachel Ellington recently. They attended the dedication services at West Jackson Baptist Church for Rachel’s great-granddaughter-Ellington Katherin Walls, daughter of Brooklynn and Kirk Walls.
Donna Latham is recovering at home. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy McGhee and Jake of Chattanooga visited his parents, Carlis and Margie McGhee, last week. They enjoyed a trip to the Jack’s Creek Grill, a great place to eat!
Mifflin Baptist Church has called Bro. Michael Barnes of Finger as interim pastor. They would like to invite everyone to come and worship the Lord with them.
Happy belated anniversary to Doris and Donald Rowlett, 6-1. Happy birthday to Joie Freeman and Eddie Williams, 6-8. Happy anniversary to Jennifer and Jason Johnson and Brenda and Jerry Hudson, 6-8.
Please continue to remember these in prayer: Dixie Arnold, Wesley Bates, Paula Berry, Marie Bishop, Judy Bray, J.T. and Jeannette Butler, Jackie Chambers, Rickey Clayton, Pat and Paul Coleman, Boyd Cupples, Joie Freeman, Jennifer Gateley, Bro. Glen and Judy Harris, Johnny Hays, LaDawn Hayes, Danny Hodges, Brenda Hopper, Larry Johnson, Eva and Alvin Jones, Melissa Jones, Shirley Kendrick, Justin Lindsay, Doris McKinney, Martha Mainord, Brianne Locke Matheney, Deana Morris, Darryl Newsom, Jim Newsom, Julia Parchman, Beth Plunk, Trudy Powers, MaryAnn Priddy, Pam Priddy, Ridge Ray, Mollie Russell, Dyke Sells, Cathy Sisson, Jacob Thomas, Kevin Thurman, Lee Trice, Tony Tucker, Cammi Walls, Adam Wise, Natalie Wray and Mike Young. Also, pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and first responders.
“Age” by Diane Ranker Riesen – “Dear God, I pray for gentle care/as ‘old age’ takes its toll/I pray each soul is filled with peace/till HEAVEN makes it whole/When weakened minds steal memories/I pray You hold them tight/and deep inside they feel You near/throughout their final ‘flight’.”
I pray you all have a wonderful week and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home. Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

© Copyright 2025, 218 S Church Ave Henderson, TN