Community supports fight against child abuse

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By Kendall Patterson

Pictured is Matt Boyce as he performs a lariat on his opponent MJ Davis during the Tennessee Championship Wrestling Annual Benefit for the Carl Perkins Center on Friday, March 10. Photo by Kendall Patterson

The Chester County Carl Perkins Center was shown love and support in their cause of the prevention of child abuse by another great turnout in the 18th Annual Tennessee Championship Wrestling Annual Benefit for the Chester County Carl Perkins Center that was presented by Neo Products and Hare Financial.
“We had a great crowd tonight. Each year it seems to get better and better. We have a lot of the same fans showing up every year, and they keep bringing new fans with them,” said event organizer, Terry Hearn of Neo Products.
Chester County Carl Perkins Center Director Kirbi Fahs added on to explain what makes this event so awesome.
“It’s always a great night with lots of fun, laughter and family time all while supporting the prevention of child abuse and services.”
Both Hearn and Fahs thanked all the fans that came in support of the cause along with all of the sponsors and wrestlers who helped make it happen.
“All one hundred percent of this money is donated to the Carl Perkins Center. Without everybody’s support, it would be hard for those children to get the help that they need, and the Carl Perkins Center of Henderson does a wonderful job… My heart goes out to all these kids and they need help. With this money we raised here, it’s going to go a long way helping these children recover from the problems they’re having,” Hearn said.
“The hard work and dedication of everybody who has poured their time and energy into making this event what it is is an amazing and immeasurable blessing to our center. The number of people that come together to make this event to support Chester County children and families is incredible.” Fahs said. “We are extremely grateful for everybody who participates and comes out to support the wrestlers and our center.”

Guest referee, Chester County Football Head Coach Dewond Johnson tells a wrestler to get out of the ring.
Children of the Chester County community cheer on a wrestler Friday night.
Matt Boyce jumps and double kicks his opponent.
Million Dollar Baby kicks Ms. Queen Bebe during their wrestling match.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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