Enville Community News

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Hello from Enville! I hope you all had a great week. The temperatures lately have felt like summer, which does not arrive until June 21. I am sure not complaining. I love this kind of weather! The farmers are moving right along with their planting; hopefully, they will be done soon, but while they continue, please be aware of the farm equipment on the roads. Let us keep everyone safe!
Flag Day is June 14, 2022. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777 by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The Flag Resolution, passed on June 14, 1777, stated: “Resolved, That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” (https://en.m.wikipedia).
Enville sends out Happy Birthday wishes to Sarah Canaday and Miranda Weeks on June 10, Addilyn Clair Finley on June 12, Danny Keen on June 13, Nash Ray Brewer on June 14, Janice Maness on June 15 and Shane Johnston on June 17.
Happy Anniversary to Richard and Melissa Maness on June 16. We hope you all enjoy your special day! Jack and Tera O’Neal will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on June 17. This is a special milestone in a couple’s life; they have been very blessed and are thankful for each year they have together and will cherish those still to come. Happy Anniversary to this sweet couple!
We are saddened by the passing of our friend Inez Cash. She was Enville’s oldest current resident. She celebrated her 100th birthday last year on July 17 and came close to her 101st birthday. She was an amazing lady. She still lived alone and loved to go places with her friend, Eddie; she was an active member of the Enville Community Club and loved being there fellowshipping with all her friends. Mrs. Inez will surely be missed by many in this town.
Please pray for the families of Jessie Gilliam and Inez Cash and continue prayers for Deb Finley, Florence Stublaski, Lisa Bishop, Amanda Johnson, Agnes Smith, Mary Lee Guyon, Janice and Danny Keen, Ashley Pugh, Ann Pugh, Emily Freeman, Larry Lambert, Linda and Robert Johnson, Jimmy Robertson, Mikki Patterson, Jack and Tera O’Neal, Harold and Janice Maness, Tim Harris, Tim and Tabitha Hampton, Shirley Hampton, Della Mixon, Rick Ooley, Sue Henson, those who have lost loved ones, our firefighters, first responders, law enforcement, healthcare workers, military and, as always, each other.
If you have news, call me at 608-3058, or if you want to rent the community center, call Pat Cates at 688-5125.
Have a blessed week everyone!

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