The Chester County Grand Jury is scheduled to meet this week with a number of cases on the docket. The following persons are to appear at 8:31 a.m. Friday, June 7, at the Chester County justice Complex:
Brandon Joseph Burton Jr., 24, Henderson, in case CR-48, is charged with simple possession/casual exchange.
Brandon Joseph Burton Jr., 24, Henderson, in case CR-49, is charged with simple possession/casual exchange and driving while license suspended – second or subsequent offense.
Brandon Joseph Burton Jr., 24, Henderson, in case CR-50, is charged with two counts manufacture/deliver/sell/possession of schedule VI drugs, simple possession/casual exchange, four counts possession of a firearm with intent to go armed – dangerous felony, identity theft and driving while license suspended – second or subsequent offense.
Brandon Joseph Burton Jr., 24, Henderson, in case CR-51, is charged with two counts manufacture/deliver/sell/possession – attempt of schedule IV drugs, simple possession/casual exchange and driving while license suspended.
Michael Brandon Davis, 47, Finger, is charged with aggravated assault.
Timothy Brian Price, 49, Bethel Springs, is charged with aggravated assault and domestic assault.
Jarkson Bernarius Scruggs, 23, Saltillo, is charged with aggravated burglary (habitation), aggravated assault and domestic assault.
Jeremy Smith, 48, is charged with first offense driving under the influence, reckless endangerment – no weapon involved and driving on roadways laned for traffic.
Bethany Marie Williams, 28, Wildersville, is charged with violation of an order of protection/restraining order.
Dennis Williams, 61, Henderson, is charged with sexual offender registration form violation.
Robert Anthony Aspiranti, 28, Henderson, is charged with aggravated assault, simple possession/casual exchange, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities and possession of a weapon by a convicted felon.
Joshua Dale Bowman, 24, Bolivar, is charged with two counts manufacture/deliver/sell/possession of schedule VI drugs, two counts possession of firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities and driving while license suspended.
Kendrick Omar Brown, 26, Jackson, is charged with aggravated sexual battery.
Charles Channing Champion, 32, Jackson, is charged with two counts possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture/deliver/sell, two counts of employ firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, two counts possession of a weapon by a convicted felon and eight counts possession of a handgun by a convicted felon.
Thomas Lynn Lott, 68, Bethel Springs, is charged with two counts possession of methamphetamine with intent to manufacture/deliver/sell, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities, driving while in possession of methamphetamine, two counts of driving while license revoked and driving while license revoked – second or subsequent offense.
Carter Ernest Powell is charged with five counts of soliciting sexual exploitation of a minor.
Kimberly Huffman Smith, 56, Henderson, is charged with worthless checks from $2,500 to $10,000.
Cheryl Ann Spencer, 46, Henderson, is charged with two counts possession or casual exchange of methamphetamine, two counts possession of a firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, four counts possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, simple possession/casual exchange and possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities.
Christine Ruth, 54, Lexington, is charged with two counts possession or casual exchange of methamphetamine, two counts possession of a firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, simple possession/casual exchange and possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities.
Willard Allen Pullam, 43, Lexington, is charged with two counts possession or casual exchange of methamphetamine, two counts possession of a firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, four counts of possession of a weapon after convicted with a felony drug offense, simple possession/casual exchange and possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities.
Katherine Lynn Waldrop is charged with burglary – auto/boat/airplane other motor vehicle and theft up to $1,000.
Christine Denise Brown, 32, Henderson, is charged with contraband – intoxicant/drugs in penal facility and simple possession/casual exchange.
Dwayne Keith Bryant, 62, Enville, is charged with vehicular assault, first offense driving under the influence, aggravated assault, and drivers to exercise due care.
Craig Madison Burton, 35, Henderson, is charged with two counts manufacture/deliver/sell/possession of schedule VI drugs, two counts of possession of firearm with intent to go armed during commission of a dangerous felony, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities and prohibited from possession of firearm under state/federal law.
Wesley Adam Hutton, 41, Milledgeville, is charged with aggravated assault – uses or display deadly weapon, domestic assault, reckless endangerment – deadly weapon involved – attempt and resisting stop/arrest/search involving weapon.
Virgina Ann Jalbert, 35, Corinth, Miss., is charged with simple possession/casual exchange, five counts possession of a weapon after convicted of a felony drug offense and possession of a handgun by a convicted felon.
Barret Michael Jones, 24, Henderson, is charged with domestic assault and false imprisonment.
Brittany Bailey Kinchen, 36, Henderson, is charged with forgery.
Colby A. King, 23, Maryville, is charged with contraband-intoxicant/drugs in penal facility, possession or casual exchange of methamphetamine, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities, tampering with evidence, driving while license suspended, drivers license address requirement within 10 days, failure or refuse to display certificate of registration, violation of the vehicle financial responsibility law and improper use of vehicle registration.
Koren Nicole Mitchem, 46, Jackson, is charged with identity theft trafficking, forgery, criminal impersonation, simple possession/casual exchange, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities, driving while license revoked and open container.
Barry Lynn Ward, 48, Jacks Creek, is charged with domestic assault.