“Those who were always there for us in this life will always is be there for us in our memories.” – unknown
Our community expresses sympathy to 10 families — Jessie James Gilliam (2-13-1945 to 5-24-2022); Joanie Lynn Cupples Lowery (3-24-1959 to 5-24-2022); Maggie Josephine Hughes Hickey (8-11-1946 to 5-25-2022); Doris Jean Emerson Cooper (2-9-1941 to 5-26-2022); John Michael Butler (12-27-1964 to 5-29-2022); Audrey Juanita Moore Rowland (8-17-1938 to 5-30-2022); Ricky Neal Young (2-25-1957 to 5-31-2022); Jason Lee Ray (11-15-1978 to 6-6-2022); Johnie Wayne Plunk (9-26-1933 to 6-5-2022) dear former work friend of Dewey Williams. Johnie saved Dewey by football style tackling him off a hot electrical wire in water. Both ended up down, but both came up alive! I really enjoyed talking to Johnie about Dewey, but Kenneth Clement knows more. Both were highly intelligent men but did not flaunt it; and Wilma Inez Weatherington Cash (7-17-21 to 6-3-2022). The little doll almost made it to age 101. Ralph Mays kept her motivated with green backs. He had told her in their last phone conversation he had $300 in $20 dollar bills ready for her turning 101 on July 17. Can’t you hear her cooing like a dove? I will write more about my last friend living to the age of 100 plus soon. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Murdell are gone and now Mrs. Inez. Oh, how my thoughts linger on all three. God bless all. Doesn’t the above quote bring comfort to our broken hearts? I admire Mr. Eddie Walker for a remarkable outline of Inez the lady. John Baxter spoke nicely, too. We all left with an uplift in our walk remembering Inez. Hugs to D.B. and Pat for constant love and care – good folks.
Tenderly remember Jim Ruth (4-11-1935 to 6-2-2021). He was a bus driver for Freedom Riders. You can find Jim by searching his name and Freedom Riders. I hope Juneteenth (June 19) will honor Jim with a poster and his story at the main event. Gloria Holiday, is this an appropriate idea? How can I help?
Prayers are requested for Dennis Phillips’ improvement; Angie Rhodes Sikes and daughter, Tailynn; Tommy Patterson and family; Johnny Hays; and continued improvement for Joanie Bailey Chamberlain.
There will be a memorial for Lavern Bailey on Sunday, June 26, at 2 p.m. at the Community of Christ Church at Jacks Creek. Shirley is his wife and their daughters are Joan Chamberlain, Nancy Davidson, Lisa Robino and Jill Davis. Joan is recovering from an accident on the way to her daddy’s visitation in March. The memorial is a celebration of time with family, friends and community people as memories are recalled.
May 30 was Memorial Day. The program honoring those soldiers who gave their lives was so special and sacred. One could not help but notice the silence and humbleness of those 62 in attendance. Looking around the room so many old soldiers were missing – some deceased and some not well enough to attend the program. The short videos were excellent in showing overseas cemeteries with the total of Americans buried there. It was sad to see the number of deaths, but such excellent care was shown for each cemetery.
Much effort was done to honor the fallen. Time and thought was put into this program. Thank you to all who did their part. It was a success, but the crowd was too small. This is the first year I did not carry programs to soldiers in the healthcare. Did you?
After the program Mary Curtis and I took a floral tribute to Harry Brown’s grave at Chapel Hill. He was from Jacks Creek and served in World War II. He was a guard for two Japanese generals. I wrote a tribute in the Chester County Independent under Pat on the Back. I would have loved to interview all the soldiers. Everyone has a story. Our old vets are leaving us. Take the time to talk to them and gather history from them. They are from such a great generation period of time. I respect them. Can we have a location and bring picnic baskets to share with the veterans? Suggestions? Call 989-7485. Hello, John P…got any ideas from your Piney Villa?
June 6, 1945 was D-Day. This was in WWII. It was the largest water invasion in history of warfare. 150,000 American, United Kingdom and Canada soldiers stormed five beaches in Normandy, France, to push back Nazis out of Western Europe and turn the tide of the war for good. Thanks to raw perseverance and grit, the Allies overcame the grave initial setbacks and took ALL five beaches by nightfall on June 6, 1944.
4,414 names are enshrined in bronze plaques representing every Allied soldier, sailor, airman and coast guardsman who died on D-Day. They were brave men willing to give it all for the one beside them, behind them and following those in front of them. They were fighting for FREEDOM for us. The price is very high. We owe a debt to them that we can never take for granted. Ask any soldier would he do it all over again. These men are in their 90s. Listen to their replies. Always show them respect. They have earned it. Our future was in their hands.
Tidbit: WWII was ranked FIRST in wars by United States Combat DEATHS (291,557). Wounded (670,846).
Master Gardner Jerry Berry Newman had a fresh tomato on June 1. Did he slice and share with Betty, Mary or Peppy LaPoo?
The Class of 1957 has a photo with names listed in this paper. They had a good time, nice tasty meal and shared stories. I enjoyed myself. Dorothy Miller is interested in keeping the class connected. Hope you enjoyed the 4×6 inserts if you were in the pic. That was a fun surprise. Charles Whitten, I lost your address and phone. Please call – I have your picture.
Three students were presented the Dr. Kathy Bailey Mays Memorial Scholarships. Third graders were presented $100 scholarship. The students were Sarah Looney, daughter of Kristina Reasons, and Abigail Rogers, daughter of Alecia Holt. Chester County High School senior Reese Lynn Robison, daughter of Philip and Polly Robison, was presented $1,000 by Ralph Mays. Reese plans to attend Union University and major in chemistry with plans to become a pharmaceutical scientist. Grandmother Kay Robison Ivy is warm as a fuzzy peach on a picnic table.
Have a great week!