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  • Letters To The Editor: Honor Mother’s Day

Letters To The Editor: Honor Mother’s Day

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Dear Editor,
Mother’s Day is set every year on the second Sunday in May. Mothers should be held in the highest regard of honor and glory. Families come together with love, and churches make that day a special honor for mothers.
A colored carnation means a mother is alive. A white carnation means a mother is no longer alive. God bless them all.
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution that Mother’s Day would always be the second Sunday in May.

  1. Blessed is the mother who walks with God.
  2. A mother’s love reflects the love of Christ.
  3. God’s love shines through a mother’s heart.
  4. Mothers are where life begins and love never ends.
  5. A Mother’s love brings comfort and her faith brings strength.
  6. Mother’s love is one of God’s greatest gifts.
  7. Mother’s faith lights the way and makes a difference.
  8. Mothers pray and encourage us with hope and her unending love.
  9. Mothers are amazing, fierce, inspiring treasured and helpful always.
  10. Mothers are priceless. The love beyond measure.
  11. Mothers who kneel in prayer can stand through trials.
  12. Mothers plant the seed of Christ in her child.
    A mother reads me a story.
    Tucks me in with a kiss.
    Tells me she loves me.
    Tells me I am special.
    Tells me I am perfect just the way I am.
    You fill my life. I believe in you always.
    Goodnight my child.
    Imogene Naylor

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