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Local Chester County Seniors win Brain Games Championship!

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By Kendall Patterson
Staff Writer

Seniors of Chester County took home the gold at the Tennessee 2019 Senior Brain Games Chamiponship last Thursday Oct. 24.
“We’re really excited for our seniors,” Emma Hopper, senior citizens director, said. “Our seniors are a team that works together.”
During the Brain Games, the seniors are asked a series of questions that people think would stump them. The team then discusses about the possible answers to the question.
Last year, the team lost by a single point in the state competition against Jonesboro.
This year though, they managed to win by over 20 points with Smith County coming in at second place and Lawrence County in third.
During the halfway point they were down by 4 points, but blew past the other teams in the second half.
It was still a tough competition according to competitor Fred Watson.
“It was probably one of the toughest sets of questions in two years,” Watson said.
This makes the seventh time that Tennessee has had the competition and Chester County has gone to State three of the last four years. This time though is special, because this time is not only the first time that Chester County won but the first time that a team from West Tennessee has won.
In districts, the Chester County team defeated 10 other teams. In region, they only had to defeat 2 teams and the same goes with the competition in the championship.
The Chester County Senior Center will receive an engraved trophy along with a stipend of $3,500 that would be used towards the center.
Since the seniors won, the championship will be brought here to Chester County next year which made it even more special to them. It not only keeps them from having to drive all the way to Middle or West Tennessee, it gives those West Tennessee senior centers that have never been to the state competition a chance to experience the championship for themselves in a nearby location and possibly convince other Chester County seniors to participate.
Once the competition takes place in Chester, competitor Jerry Ada said that the team “has to put on a show” for the community and for the other West Tennessee senior centers.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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