New Friendship and Mifflin Community News

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Hello to all from this little corner of the world. The sun was out on Saturday, and the sky was blue with an occasional slight breeze noted. Friday night was scary. We were informed early on that storms with possible tornadoes would be headed toward Tennessee. The news stations did a great job of keeping us informed. We were very blessed with no damage here. I have seen pictures of damage in Covington and McNairy, and I saw pictures of the tornado at Three-Way in North Jackson. I do not know regarding lives lost. I am thankful children were out of school, but storms at night are scary. I do not usually get overly concerned with storms, but after so many like those in Mayfield, Ky., Rolling Forks, Miss., and now all around us, one must surely give thanks for being spared. Prayers go out for all affected by the storms Friday night.
This Friday is Good Friday. This is a Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of the death of Jesus Christ. He suffered and died as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. D.A. Carson wrote, “It was not nails that held Jesus to that wretched cross; it was his unqualified resolution, out of love for his Father, to do his Father’s will – and it was his love for sinners like me.” It is a good day because he traded places for you and for me. It is a good day because it was the day he conquered sin and death so that we will never be apart from God on this side of heaven or the other. Our hearts should cry out to God in humility and thanksgiving. It is a day that is holy and makes us holy because God was drawing the world to God’s self in Christ. Please, as we approach this special day and Easter the following Sunday, the day Christ arose from the grave, pray in thankfulness for ALL that was done for us. We have lost a son here on earth, but we know where he is and that is great comfort, but I am human. It humbles me greatly to know God knows our pain. He gave His only son to die for us sinners because He loves us that much! Think about it. Could you give up a child for one or many sinners? I think I know the answer. Talk to God. Get close to Him. Close your eyes and be quiet and just imagine the love it took to give up his son in such agony and indescribable pain and anguish. We mess up, but He always forgives. He loves us that much. None are perfect nor will be on this earth. I pray you all are moved closer to God in this season of remembrance. God bless.
Happy Birthday to Kacey Pratt, 4-10; John Thomas Wells, 4-12; and Bristen Matheney, 4-13.
Happy anniversary to Hope and Hunter Butler, 4-5.  
Please continue to remember these in prayer: Sheila Berry, Joe Bingham, Marie Bishop, Robert Brewer, Shannon Burton, Jeanette Butler, Jackie Chambers, Rickey Clayton, James Ellis, Nathan Frost, Jennifer Gateley, Shorty Harris, Johnny Hays, Shirley Kendrick, Martha Mainord, Adisyn Matthews, Janeane Moore, Deana Morris, Debbie Morris, Jim Newsom, Cissy Nichols, LaVelle Page, Julia Parchman, Beth Plunk, Pam Priddy, Jesse Pugh, Tenisha Pursell, Karon Reinmann, Logan Rencher, Todd Rencher, Jake Richardson, Dwain Seaton, Jr., Nona Seaton, Bro. Ronnie Sells, Cathy Sisson, Jacob Thomas, Kevin Thurman, David Tucker, Tony Tucker, Charlie Wells. Dwayne Williams and Adam Wise. Also, pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and first responders.
“What is Easter?” – “It’s not about the eggs to hunt/It’s not about a bunny/It’s not about brand new clothes/Or candy as sweet as hunny/On this day many years ago/A man named Jesus Christ/Upon the cross for you and me/Gladly gave his life/Not for sins that He had done/Or crimes He must repay/He did it all for you and me/For our sins He died that day/But that’s not the end of Jesus Christ/They put Him in a grave/But three days later He rose again/Our sin debt had finally been paid/So this Easter as you hunt for eggs/Dressed up in brand new clothes/Don’t think about the Easter Bunny/Think about why Christ arose.”
I pray you all have a wonderful week and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home. Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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