By: Jerra Leek

Oh, the time it takes to gather ingredients, measure, mix, preheat, bake and wash all the dishes. What if we could cut down on that time AND have portion control? Instead of baking a whole batch, why not bake two or three cookies at a time? This comes in handy for those of us who are trying to stick to or restart our New Year’s resolutions. Besides, they are better hot out of the oven. THAT’S RIGHT, FOLKS! Our COOKIE DOUGH fundraiser is here! Contact any Chester County Middle School student or staff member and let them know you want to place an order! We will be taking orders until Tuesday, March 14. All orders will be in after spring break (the first week of April). There will also be a catalog or online store to order items other than food. PLEASE SUPPORT our students and staff! We will use these funds for school improvements, rewards for students and help with Field Day and Reward Day.
We will have our CCMS Parent Engagement Night from 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, March 7. The night’s theme is MATH MADNESS. Students are encouraged to wear jerseys and be ready to answer math problems with your family and shoot some hoops.
IN THE CLASSROOM – Texts and skills this week…
Fifth grade ELA: African Americans breaking down barriers and influencing society using the text, “We Are the Ship: the Story of Negro League Baseball”; Math: classifying 2-D shapes and converting metric/customary units; Science: completing Forces unit and review; Social Studies: Civil Rights
Fourth grade ELA: Continuing “Hatchet,” Summarizing, narrative writing; Math: equivalent fractions for 10ths and 100ths and Angles in 2-D shapes and lines in 2-D shapes; Science: Human impact on Earth’s systems; Social Studies: Civil War
Activity Classes:
Academic Lab – Science Skills and 4-H is returning.
Computer – Students will use all the skills they have learned on how to create an amazing slide to generate a slide using a topic given to them. Fourth graders will create their own ice cream sundae and fifth graders will create and design a new type of cereal.
Library – Students will take a literacy walk in the library. They will notice and wonder about books that are related to the destinations we have studied in the last two weeks. They will explore books that are set in Portland, Ore.; New York, New York; or the South Pole! After that, we will take a coffee break and spend our Starbucks on fun activities as a reward for reading.
Music – wrapping up Black History Month inspired lessons. March is National Music in Our Schools Month. This year’s theme is Music Is All of Us.
February’s Teacher of the Month is Keisha Cherry.
February Staff Birthdays: Dawn Clayton, Dorothy Hurt, Sherry Johnson, Tylan Johnson, Jared Shumate, Jill Stoneburner and Sheila Williams.
Tuesday, March 14 – ELA
Wednesday, March 15 – Math
Thursday, March 16 – Science
Friday, March 17 – Social Studies (Fifth grade)
March 27-April 3 – SPRING BREAK (students return on Tuesday, April 4)
Friday, April 7 – Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)