News from the Deanburg Community of Chester County

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with Gayle Cox

If you care about this community, please get involved in what is taking place to continue to grow our county and make it a better place to live and raise a family. Every voice can count when you need to be heard. Get to know what is changing in our local government, schools, churches and communities through the news, friends, your church, teachers, etc., and if it matters to you, there are ways to help make things better. The Community Center Meeting for Jan. 10 was canceled, and we will be meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 6. We will be discussing events to add to our 2023 year calendar and start some planning as well as needs for the center. We are providing a soup/sandwich meal for this meeting. We need more community involvement for our center and would like to invite people to join in. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend. We would like to get 2023 off to a great start. Annual renewal dues are $25 after your first initial year of joining. Payments can be mailed to Edith Sills at 4475 Sunshine Rd, Henderson, TN 38340. We appreciate all our members and would like to have more events if we can get enough help to do so. Call Ann or myself if you have any new ideas for the center or wish to get involved. People who want to rent the community center should contact Betty Cooper at 879-9078 for booking. A big welcome to Ron Hale stepping in as interim Pastor and Ms. Becky Cox as the Ladies Sunday School Teacher at Old Friendship Baptist Church.
Montezuma sends out happy belated anniversary wishes to Rickey and Celia Murley on Jan. 7. Montezuma sends out happy belated birthday wishes to Justin Moody on Jan. 9, John H. Stewart on Jan. 10, Gregory Pollock on Jan. 11, Mary Beshires on Jan. 13, Faye Morrison and Beth Everett on Jan. 14, Nita Wade and Trevor Burns on Jan. 15 and Michael Barclay and Jeanette Bolton on Jan. 17. Montezuma sends out happy birthday wishes to Jimmy Dyer and Marie Mitchell on Jan. 19, Billy Priddy on Jan. 20 and Becky Monks on Jan. 24.
Please be in prayer for all local and federal elected officials as decisions are made, law enforcement, first responders, healthcare workers, teachers and administrators; with all the upside down happenings in our world around us, pray daily. There is much spiritual warfare with society accepting things that go against who God is and what HIS laws are that we are to follow. Every day of life has its challenges but if we look to God for the right path, it can be a good one.
Please pray for those suffering from the flu, COVID and other seasonal illnesses and Janeane Moore, Kenneth Burkhead, Joann Fowler, Janice Morris, Dot Smith, Elecia Ellis, Lisa Bishop, Jeanette Walker, Paul Schilling, Jennifer Paton, Nancy Crouse, Martha Cooper, Jake Richardson, Ann Morrison, Faye Crouse and others that are sick or healing. We especially want to remember the families of Rhonda Dutton, Lilah Robison and other families that have recently lost loved ones.
Always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to or text me at 608-2857.
As always, until next time and wishing a very blessed week to all you readers!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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