with Carolyn Goff
Greetings from Deanburg! On Monday night, I watched the signing in of our new Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney Barrett. Such a great day for her and our country!
Prayers please for these: Kristen Carlton Jones, Tim Landers, Brianna Landers, Gary Hyatt, Jim Ruth, Eloise Murley, Samantha Mosier, Woodie Deming, Kim Mitchell and all those sick with COVID as well as all illnesses!
Happy birthday to our community members: Christina Collins Long on Oct. 29, Nicole Evans on Nov. 1, Elaine Enfinger on Nov. 1 and Ron Deming on Nov. 3. I hope you all have a great birthday!
Our devotion this week: “When I Am Afraid: ‘Don’t let them get away with their wickedness; in your anger, O God, bring them down.’ (NLT) (Psalm 56:7) When we are facing the heartache of failure in our lives; fear can easily become our companion. We can begin to fear the future, we can become afraid of continuing to get things wrong, and the list goes on. The simple truth that when we are afraid, we should trust God can help give us proper perspective in these difficult moments. God is with you in this trial and will not leave or forsake you – no matter what the future holds!” http://jctrois.com; //www.jctrois.com/dailybibledevotion/devotion.
I know everyone is going to miss our Haunted Hollow this year. Just one more thing the pandemic has made us sacrifice.
Please pray for our nation and leaders. Please go vote. This is the last week to make your voice heard and to exercise your right. This time next week, we will know who our next president will be! God let your will be done!
God bless each and every one of you. May He keep you well and safe from the virus and all life threatening diseases. My number is 879-9777. I would like to hear from you. Thanks for the comments I have gotten about the devotions!