News from the Enville Community of Chester County

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with Jan Johnson

Hello from Enville! I hope everyone had a great week! I hope all dads had a wonderful Father’s Day. Summer has arrived, and the 100 degree temperatures show it. Along with the heat indexes, it makes for a hot and humid day. I feel for anyone who works outside; please stay hydrated and take lots of breaks to avoid getting too hot or even having a heat stroke. Heat strokes are the most serious heat related illnesses; in the early stages, people may experience increased thirst and muscle cramps, sweating, weakness, nausea, fatigue or even fainting. These are the mild symptoms. There are far more serious ones to look for also. Heat strokes can be life threatening causing organ failure. If you or someone you are with experience these symptoms, move to a cooler area and cool down. Please take these symptoms serious as they can come on gradually. Be safe out there!
Our next big holiday will be here soon – Independence Day, July 4. It seems they are coming quicker than ever before. Time is flying by!
Mark your calendars for Aug. 27 for the Enville Wild Goose Shindig. It is a time of food, fellowship and fun. The Enville Community Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on July 5. This is a potluck meal; if you are interested in your community, please come and join us!
Happy birthday wishes go to Melinda Johnston and Melissa Holder on June 26. Happy anniversary to Larry and Anita Lambert on June 26. We hope you all enjoy your special day!
Please pray for the Hershel Hollin family and continue prayers for Deb Finley, Lisa Bishop, Amanda Johnson, Florence Stublaski, Agnes Smith, Mary Lee Guyon, Janice and Danny Keen, Ashley Pugh, Rick Ooley, Sue Henson, Ann Pugh, Emily Freeman, Larry Lambert, my brother, Tim Harris, Tim and Tabitha Hampton, Shirley Hampton, Della Mixon, Linda and Robert Johnson, Jack and Tera O’Neal, Harold and Janice Maness, Mikki Patterson, Jimmy Robertson, our firefighters, first responders, law enforcement, healthcare workers, military, those who have lost loved ones and, as always, each other.
If you want to rent the community center, call Pat at 688-5125, or if you have news to share or someone for the prayer list, call me at 608-3058.
Have a blessed week everyone and stay cool!

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