News from the Enville Community of Chester County

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with Jan Johnson

Hello from Enville! I hope everyone had a great week. Fall Break is over, and I hope everybody had a fun and safe one, but it is time to get settled back in the classroom and get into the books. Our three grandkids had great report cards and great reviews from their teachers. It is always good to hear nice things at parent/teacher conferences. Keep up the good work!
The Enville community will be set up at the Enville Community Center at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 31 for Trick or Treaters to come by and fill their pumpkins with candy. We hope to see all the kiddos there in their various costumes.
This year is passing so fast; it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas before we know it. I wish we could go back to a slower more relaxed time of life, but I think that is a thing of the past. We are so busy nowadays; oh well, they say time flies when you’re having fun!
The Enville Community Club will have a veterans and senior citizen dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at the community center. We invite all veterans to come for our program. If you know any veterans, please invite them also. Names of past and present veterans will be read, honoring and remembering them. All veterans and their families gave so much for us and our country, and we appreciate each of them from the bottom of our hearts. All senior citizens in our community are invited to come and enjoy our Thanksgiving/pot luck meal and program.
Enville sends out Happy Birthday wishes to Jackey Bethune and Jimmy W. Vest on Oct. 25, Phyllis Russom, Noah Keen and Larry Gilbert on Oct. 26, Tanya Harwell on Oct. 28, Malcolm Weeks and Tom Harwell on Oct. 29 and Eddie Walker, Sr. on Oct. 31. We hope you all enjoy your special day!
Please pray for the Betty Austin and Jimmy Pickett families. Also, continue prayers for Danny and Janice Keen, Jean Crowell, Deb Finley, Casey Pratt, Jo Marie Holmes, Agnes Smith, Mary Lee Guyon, Niecie Pearson, Florence Stublaski, Christy and Linda Phillips, Jack and Tera O’Neal, Doris Weeks, Harold and Janice Maness, Baby Kohen Garrard, Tim Harris, Joan Massey, Novelee Massengill, Harold James, Neal Brewer, Tom Harwell, Roger and Sue Henson, all that you know who have lost loved ones, our military, first responders and firefighters and, as always, each other.
If you want to add someone to the birthday or prayer list or have events of any kind to share, call me at 688-5129. I would love to hear from our local churches about your happenings, so I can help share the good news. If you want to rent the community center, call Pat at 688-5125.
Have a blessed week and smile at everyone you meet. It may make their day a little brighter!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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