News from the Enville Community of Chester County

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with Jan Johnson

Hello from Enville! I hope everyone had a great week! We were supposed to get rain Monday with some snow starting at 7 p.m. and continuing until 10 p.m. I really do not think we will have any accumulation, or at least I hope not. Although, I am blessed that I do not have to get out and drive to work in it as many do, so be careful. It is going to be frigidly cold in the mornings this week. If you can, crank your vehicle and let it warm up for you!
There is not much going on in our community right now, but with Thanksgiving being only two weeks away, there will be a lot of family gatherings and fellowship going on then. I love Thanksgiving!
Youth basketball for boys and girls has begun in Chester County. Their first games were played on Saturday. Our granddaughter, Reece, and her team won their game. Both teams played well. We are proud of all the teams and wish you all the best. Just have fun and enjoy it!
Happy birthday wishes go to Brian O’Neal and Glen Butts on Nov. 15, Danny Johnson on Nov. 16, Nelson Crowell on Nov. 17, Bobby O’Neal on Nov. 18, Frances Willis on Nov. 19 and Kelly Weber on Nov. 21. We hope you all enjoy your special day!
Please pray for the Ricky Ritter family and continue praying for Christy and Linda Phillips, Jean Crowell, Mary Lee Guyon, Niecie Pearson, Agnes Smith, Jo Marie Holmes, Danny and Janice Keen, Deb Finley, Casey Pratt, Florence Stublaski, Doris Weeks, Baby Kohen Garrard, Jack and Tera O’Neal, Harold and Janice Maness, Novelee Massengill, Harold James, Tim Harris, Roger and Sue Henson, Neal Brewer, Tom Harwell, all those who have lost loved ones, the lonely and shut ins, nursing home families, military and law enforcement families, firefighters and first responders, our country and, as always, each other.
We are glad to have our travelers back at the breakfast table in Milledgeville. We miss you all when you are away!
Enville needs you! The cafe in Enville is for sale. It can be a grocery store/cafe combination. There is room for both. If you or someone you know would be interested, call Jackey Bethune at 608-6406.
If you have news or happenings to share, call me at 688-5129, or if you want to rent the community center, call Pat at 688-5125.
Have a blessed week everyone! This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Look around and be awed at the beauty that surrounds us each day and give thanks.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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