with Gloria Holiday

Hello to everyone! I hope you had a wonderful week. It is a blessing to be a part of your life one more time. For this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! I would like to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read the Chester County Independent. It may not be the New York Times, The Washington Post or The Jackson Sun, but it is ours; we should be thankful for it. It is our little home town newspaper that keeps us notified about what is happening in the surrounding area. Keep up the great work.
Monday, Aug. 15 was the first day of class for all seven counties of Head Start: Chester, Decatur, Hardin, Hardeman, Haywood, Henderson and McNairy. There is nothing quite like your first day of school. There is such excitement and anticipation for a three and four year old who is transitioning from their mother arms to their teacher’s classroom, meeting other little people that look like them and having to share everything in that big room! WOW! It can be devastating.
There were around 300 children starting a new adventure of their life. I do not know if the tears from the parents were joyful because their child was in school or because the child is not at home for five hours, but before you know it, your child will enter into elementary, middle, junior high, high school and then college. The emotions you feel now do not change. We pray the Head Start staff and parents will have a blessed and safe school year.
You know that I thank the Lord for our TEACHERS here in Chester County! They are more than conquerors! Who is a teacher? A teacher is a member of the profession that gives service to the society in the closest, clearest and extreme way. A teacher is also the most important factor of the educational system. Teaching is known to be a time-consuming and challenging profession in times like these! Teacher Appreciation Week is usually celebrated in the first full week of May; however, the City of Henderson is taking this time to let our teachers know how much we appreciate them. Try to do something nice for a teacher this week! Congratulations to Ms. Heather Griffin and Mr. Tony Drieling for receiving their 20 year pins. Congratulations also go to Ms. Jennifer Davidson for receiving her 10 year pin. Thank you for teaching our children.
The City would like to say happy birthday to Bianca Thomas, 8/20; Dwain Seaton, 8/23; Kim Scott, 8/25; and James Prather, 8/31. Happy belated birthday to Clifton Brown, 8/15, and Stephane Ballard, 8/9. May the Lord bless you with many more birthdays.
Remember in your prayers John Riley Barham, Linda Swafford, LaWanna Holiday, Valerie Griggs, Jennet Rhodes, the Overway family and Anna Huddleston. Continue to pray for our community leaders, government officials, law enforcement, the U.S.A., the President, first responders, teachers and healthcare workers. Remember to patronize with our local businesses here in town; let us try to support our own as much as we can.
If you live in the City of Henderson and have news about your family, birthday, anniversary, announcements, and things happening in the City, I need to hear from you; call me at 608-6132 and leave your message. or you may email me at gloria__holiday@msn.com.
I pray that you will have a have a great week! Stay safe!