with Dot Patterson
Greetings from Hickory Corner!
Well, here we are saying goodbye to another month. My, how time flies. Goodbye, March, and hello, April! Speaking of April, get your pranks ready as this Saturday is April 1, better known as April Fool’s Day. Let me know if you prank anyone or get pranked! Have fun, but play nice. April also brings Easter (April 9), National Pet Day (April 11), Tax Day (April 18) and Earth Day (April 22).
Anyone else like to watch hummingbirds? Get your hummingbird feeders ready. According to the Tennessee State University Cooperative Extension Service, hummingbird migrants begin to arrive by the end of March, although most of us will not see a hummingbird until the second week of April. I have been looking for the hummingbirds to arrive any day now and plan on getting my feeders ready and out tomorrow. When you plant your flowers, do not forget to add some bright flowers (red, orange, pink and yellow) to attract the hummingbirds. They find nectar using their eyesight and not their nose. Reminder – do not use red food coloring in your feeders as it is not good for them. For food you just need one part regular sugar and three parts warm water. Mix well. You do not have to boil.
I received a call from J. W. Patterson who shared memories of growing up in Hickory Corner Community. His parents were Oscie and Effie Patterson. J.W. attended Hickory Corner School and shared memories of his first cousins, Elmer Ann Morrison, Peggy Whitman and Alfred Garner. He also remembers when J.O (Poppy) Patterson would take a wagon load of wood to Henderson. Poppy knew his mules would stay traveling on the road while Poppy took a short cut through the woods and caught up with them later. Those must have been some smart mules. Thank you, J. W., for calling and sharing memories.
It was scary last week as we were under a tornado watch. I had my weather radio on, and Terry and I planned to go to the storm house if things got bad, but we ended up staying put and were thankfully okay. It is heartbreaking to see the devastation of the tornado that ripped through Mississippi and killed 26 people and injured many. According to FEMA, over 300 buildings were destroyed, including homes and businesses, and the tornado stayed on the ground for over an hour. Please pray for all those affected from the tornado and those involved in the recovery effort.
Terry is here and busy as always. He can pretty much do and fix anything. He does not sit still and is so much like his dad. I do not know what I would do without him. His wife Jo is headed our way tomorrow.
Eddie Luttrell stopped at my house to visit with Terry. Eddie went home with some German Chocolate cake.
Sympathy to all those who have recently lost loved ones, especially those who lost their lives in the Nashville school shooting. So sad. “Those we love don’t go away/they walk beside us every day/unseen, unheard but always near/Still loved, still missed and very dear.” – unknown
Please remember in prayer Ladelle Clark, Mildred Smith, Martha Autry, Ann Morrison, Bonice Martin, Peggy Whitman, Peggy Lard, William and Eddie Luttrell, and Donna Lynch. Continue to pray for each other, our country and our world. If you would like to add or remove a name from our prayer list, please call me. I do not like to add/remove a name without permission.
If you would like to rent the HCC Center for a special event, please call Nancy Patterson at 608-1159.
I am asking for your support for writing our community news. Without your news, it is difficult to write this article. Please call me with tidbits and news at 989-3315. You can share your vacations, birthdays, anniversaries, memories and much more. I would love to hear from you.
Make it a great week!