News from the Hickory Corner Community of Chester County

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with Dot Patterson

Greetings from Hickory Corner! A meeting was held at the HCCC on June 25. It was the first meeting we have had in several months, as previous meetings were cancelled due to Covid-19. All current officers were reelected at the meeting: President – Nelson Weaver, Vice President – Janice Weaver, Secretary – Dianne Clayton, Treasurer – Sarah Holmes and Trustees – Donnie Patterson, Alfred Garner and Philip Cranford. Thank you to all these officers and trustees.
Remember in prayer: Arlan Porter, Walt and Ann Bennett, Richy Butler, Ronnie and Ladelle Clark, Mildred Smith, Mary Alice and Martha Autry, Ann Morrison, Bonice Martin, Peggy Whitman, Jim Ruth, W.T. Roland, Peggy Lard, and Buck Burkhead. Continue prayers for Kristen Daniels and her family. If you would like to add or remove a name from our prayer list, please call.
The saying goes “Time flies when you are having fun,” but have you also noticed the older you get, the more you feel like time is flying and just passing you by? I can not believe we have wrapped up another month, and it is time to welcome July. Celebrating birthdays in July are Kim Hearn (7/5), Macy Morrison (7/5), Johnathon Kesler (7/7), Ruth Ann Lane (7/8), Frank Clayton 7/8, and Bentlee King (7/9).Wishing all of you a wonderful day on your special day. Belated Birthday Wishes go out to my friend and neighbor Melissa Stoltzfus (6/29).
Walt and Ann Bennett recently enjoyed a visit from their son, Barry Bennett, from Colombia, Mo.
Chester County High School held their graduation ceremony Monday evening on the football field. Congratulations to all the graduates and especially to the Chester County 2020 High School graduates living in Hickory Corner: Tyler Frye and Tyler Meek. Good luck on the next chapter of your life.
Congratulations to Macy Morrison on her graduation Saturday, June 20, on the Great Lawn of Union University. Macy graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She attended her Pinning Ceremony on Friday. Macy was also the Class President. We wish Macy much success as she steps into the next chapter of her life. Much compassion and kindness are required of nurses, and I personally know that Macy greatly displays these traits. She is the daughter of Deonna and Steve Morrison and the granddaughter of Ann Morrison and Peggy Lard of Hickory Corner.
Again, I remind all of you that Covid-19 is still very much present in our state, hitting an all time high of over 2,000 positive cases Monday. As of Monday evening, Chester County had 21 cases total. I encourage all of you to maintain social distancing, wash your hands frequently and use face masks. Remember: wearing your face mask protects others. We are all in this together so let us do our part.
If you would like to rent the HCC center for your special event, please call Nancy Patterson at 608-1159. Please call me at 989-3315 with any news and tidbits. I welcome any news or memories you would like to share with all of us.
“Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” – (unknown). I challenge you to find the good in your day. Have a good week!

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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