with Patsy Nobles Jones
“God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” – J.M. Barrie
Our community expreses sympathy to the families of Mary Elizabeth “Liz” Arnold Kinchen (5-30-39 to 11-19-22); Jeffery “Jeff” Houson Thomas (9-21-59 to 11-16-22) from Chester County Class of 1977; Willard Douglas “Doug” Thompson (7-10-44 to 11-16-22); Mary Alyce Johnson Nettleton (10-26-50 to 11-21-22); Joe Etta Wyatt Bain (2-15-85 to 11-24-22); Laura Camille Johnson Thompson (3-3-71 to 11-26-22) who was one of five children of Terry Ray Johnson and Christine Martin Johnson; Linda Kay Wilson Holder (4-23-41 to 11-26-22); Amy Corine James Terry (3-29-44 to11-26-22) who was one of nine children of Jessie and Icie Dora White James; Donnie Inetha “Noot” Maness Robbinson (6-30-39 to11-27-22) who was one of 12 children of Jess Willard and Eula Virginia Crouse Maness.
Prayers still requested for Brad Brower, Angie Pitts (Lynn) Parrish, Willadean Maness Thrasher, Deborah (Ira) Harvey – all recovering nicely. Also, Debbie Carroll (Bruce) Morris, Paul (Doris) Schilling, Linda Liles Bruntz Thompson, Dale Goff, Scott Clayton, family of Regina Brooks and to other friends. Call me with names – I am not out much anymore, 989-7485.
Mary Randolph Curtis shared a meal with Regina Brooks’ family. Mary cooked “salet” and shared with neighbor, James. Both of these acts were so nice. We all need to feel needed and loved. Also, Happy 49th Anniversary to James and Victoria Ellis on Dec. 6; they have a friendship and live in Friendship.
I am tenderly remembering Beulah Nobles; she turns 117 on Dec. 5. I often think of those two pots at Christmas of packed dumplings and two more pots of “salet.” All that work as a true labor of love for her four kids, eight grands and the mates and friends. She was a soft grandmother so eager to hug. Also, tenderly remembering Bobbie Nobles; she has been gone 49 years from my arms on Dec. 5. I am thankful for all my memories. All of us need to keep remembering those who are going through a deep grief period. The first of all events are extra tender. We need to do what we can for those we can remember. I can no longer remember all the birth and death dates I once knew from the heart, but when I remember this first week of December, I do smile for memories of Margaret Bingham, Alma Morris and Violet Bailey – all special people from Jacks Creek who gave unto me LOVE.
Christmas Parade is Dec. 1 – holler “Ho-Ho-Ho” kindly to Santa. We need to appreciate the time, effort and expense of those entering – color guard, floats, church groups, marching bands, tractors, official vehicles, military vehicles, rescue vehicles, law enforcement, Scouts, sport and school representatives and guests coming to see and support Chester County Christmas Parade. It puts one in a high spirit. Merry Christmas. Be kind to children, elderly and animals; they are so appreciative of all kind acts of love and fellowship. Their expressions bless my soul. Let us do one act of kindness the month of December. That will put a big number “under your belt,” and you know God is watching us. Share an act of kindness with me, and I will include it (with or without) your name. We all need to hear positive comments. It puts a twinkle in our eyes and lifts our spirits, too.
Jacks Creek Community Club will have a holiday dinner meeting from 6-7 p.m. Dec. 8. Bring a dish and share a meal and enjoy the season with us. Location is Christ Community Church. Bright colors lift spirits. Help me spread the word. We are not sending out letters. We are using the telephone and facebook by those who use it.
Call 989-7485 if you have news.