News from the Jacks Creek Community of Chester County

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with Patsy Nobles Jones

“The nearer to heaven in hopes the farther from earth in desires.” – William Garnall
Sympathy to the families of John Armpstead Johnson II (1-17-34 to 12-3-22); Ginger Leigh Potter (6-5-64 to 12-15-22); Joyce Ann Bain Hart Brewer (8-7-33 to 12-15-22); Bonnie Kate Garner (8-11-36 to 12-17-22); Billy Wayne Faulkner (4-28-42 to 12-19-22); and Bobby Lee Steward (6-28-36 to 12-19-22).
Also, Wayne Carter (11-1-43) died in Virginia. His parents, Roy and Louise Smith Carter operated Carter’s Grocery in Henderson. He graduated Chester County High School in 1962. His siblings are Belinda (Colorado); Jeanette Stout (Henderson); Larry (Finger) and Josephine. One Jacks Creek aunt was Carrie Smith Lott.
Good news concerning “On the Wings of a Dove.” I try to cover the obits that appear in the Independent at the end of each year. Due to sickness I did not complete last year’s, but the paper is considering running both 2021 and 2022. It is a labor of love that would not have gotten done without the devotion of Glenda Nobles Parchman. I was far behind and grunting. Well, Glenda was grunting, but she took charge. If you see mistakes, be kind and inform me so I can make corrections. Something to think about – buying an obit or accepting the complimentary one our paper offers insures you of my own quote – “Not forgotten as long as a name is spoken or written.” These obits are final tributes to loved ones.
R & J in south Jackson have animal heating pads that are special and safe. Also, we bought a heater for our bird bath, so birds and squirrels can have constant water. Feed them generously. They need suet for maintaining energy. Sunflower seeds on flat surfaces and under a table help keep extra seed drier. Birds are hungry. Experts tell us they need fuel. Shortage of food, nuts and grain are obvious. I am sharing a big bag of Sams walnuts. Would you believe worms were in the bag? Lucky squirrels – double protein!
We have provided warm shelter in a nice cat motel attached to the end of our well house for a feral cat fed faithfully. “Kitty” or “Wounded Knee” has a leg injury and can’t hunt correctly. There are two extra heating pads and two fur beds for his friends.Cats need meat – boiled chicken, some tuna and salmon add nutrients to a bowl of canned and dry (be generous). We feel blessed to help God’s creations.
Will you please be kind to animals, elderly and children? We can only be a voice for their helplessness. If you can not bring pets into your home, you can provide a well-insulated pet house lined with paper sacks, newspapers and a thick throw over the doorway. The animal will hunker down and generate heat. Don is so kind to relieve my stress for helpless animals. Don is my favorite old tom cat, and he purrs so nicely (Juney Gilliam agrees)!
I shared the story of sleeping outdoors on the front porch in a cardboard box during a snowstorm in 1962 or 63. I waited for my parents to go to bed. I slipped out and crawled in the covered box with Butch and a cat. Daddy was right – it got hot in that box (cave), and we all came out for air!
Our troops are far away, but they will be home for Christmas if only in our dreams. Daddy passed through the English Channel on Christmas. A lonely time and thoughts were turned home while trying not to drop tears he said during World War II 1944.
Sunday is Christmas. We are wondering – where did the year go? Our own childhood memories and those we made new with others are our gifts to treasure. Lucy Jones Burgess and Billy Dickson are in my heart Dec. 25 always and Carolyn Potter and Alma Jones follow on Dec 26 – all four from Jacks Creek gone.
Do you find yourself thinking about those gone on in your life — parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and friends? We miss them and can make no more memories, but once we were a family unit surrounded with love and security. Those holiday meals still linger as we make some of the same menus year after year giving credit where credit is due. Mamaw Nobles made two huge pots of dumplings and “salet,” so we could eat all we wanted. That was planned love, wasn’t it? That good ole dog bread was to kill for with those greens!
Think about this Saturday night, Christmas Eve. Turn on soft holy Christmas music (no television), low lighting (candles are special) and experience the true spirit of Christmas without stress as you sip on hot chocolate. It must be a quiet time. Truly it is in the last few hours of Christmas Eve that gives us pause to reflect the past year. Twinkling trees with lights relaxes us – what is really important?
What does the season really represent? Sacredness of this time should be a prelude to living a good Christian life – not just the rest of the year, but continue in our daily walk of life. What better way for others to see our hearts this season. Our Father will smile. The sky will be filled with twinkling stars and a peace will come. You must relax and let go of stress (at least for the night). You owe that to yourself and whoever is in your home. A home should be filled with peace, joy and security.
There is a promise in the Bible for every gloomy thought, for every old negative emotion and for every salty tear. When you see a tear, a heart has been touched. God bless each and all as we deal with life. Isn’t it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved? Perhaps you have someone who can taste the salt from your tears. If not, a Kleenex and upward eyes can find some type of relief. Momma said, “A big ugly cry makes you feel better, but cover up your face. Then later blow your nose and you will feel better.”
Merry Christmas to readers of my 1,000 words – my gift to you on this cold night. Nothing is stirring, not even a mouse! I am rereading the cards you sent. I failed to mail cards again, but yours lifted my spirit. Thank YOU! If your birthday fell on Dec. 25 – consider yourself a gift to the world. Happy Birthday, Donna Rhodes!
The manger was the Savior’s first stop on the road to our redemption. That’s why “all my heart this night rejoices.” Call 989-7485 with news.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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