News from the Jacks Creek Community of Chester County

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with Patsy Nobles Jones

“To love or to have loved, this suffices. Demand nothing more” – Victor Hugo
Our community expresses sympathy to 15 families — Terry Lee Nash (10-31-57 to 5-19-23); Angela Louise Perren Thorne (8-2-61 to 5-18-23); Mildred Louise Sanders Lott (8-18-24 to 5-17-23); Rachel Pauline Pusser Brasher (8-18-24 to 5-1-23); June Mount Smith (12-26-33 to 5-9-23); Manjulaben R. Gandhi (8-11-47 to 5-6-23); Ida Elizabeth Bessie King Harris (5-27-20 to 5-1-23); Mollie Bondurant Smith Young (9-27-52 to 5-1-23); Richard Clarence Rhoden (8-19-54 to 4-29-23); Gordon “Dude” Wilkins Russell, Sr. (8-31-36 to 4-28-23); Ralph Paul Smith (10-20-56 to 4-25-23); Marian Dianne Beshires (8-18-53 to 4-25-23); Betty Lou Peters Malone (6-2-38 to 4-24-23); James Anthony “Tony” Lott (9-3-51 to 5-20-23) ; and George Don Clayton (1-6-39 to 5-22-23).
Continued prayers for Pauline Smith; Ann Lowe; Sherrill and Sheila Ryals; Clint Murley; Martha Cannon, my college friend; and Mary Hemby, mother of Betty Newman, Jacks Creek’s former postmaster and Tommy Hemby; and Eli Brown is improving after an injury – to get well.
Larry (1949/2017) and Sue Cobb (1946/2022) Nobles are celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary in heaven. They married at our childhood home in the yard. Brother Elmer Weaver married them. Cynthia Pusser made a heart-shaped cake, and I did the remaining food items. The four children, Chip, Chris, Teressa and Jason, and grandparents, William and Rose Cobb, were present June 25, 1978.
Birth: Everett Hayes Clayton is a heavy-weight champion. He got good boxing gloves and came out fighting to enjoy life on April 24, 2023. He weighed in at eight pounds, 11 ounces. The champ was 20.5 inches.
Jacks Creek Community Club will have a potluck dinner from 6-7 p.m. June 8 to welcome families and members. Dr. Kathy Mays Memorial Scholarship will be awarded. Members’ dues are $10. A hat will be furnished and Sally Duke will mark your name. Picnic plan was not a right time.
Kindness still happening – Ruth Webb and Marie brought me fresh strawberries twice from Milan. The standing and waiting time was a long period, but oh, what a sweet reward. I made a four-layer strawberry cake. Yes, I did share! Marie was creating many ideas from her berries. The strawberry lime dressing sounded delicious for a summer salad. Freda Jones brought me several food surprises. It sure pays to grunt! She has learned to get in and out of my driveway like a pro! Brenda Thompson Hannah gave me a blue glass birdhouse on a rod. Can’t you see a blue bird family living in this glass house? She just thought I was still grunting!
Are you missing out on very good meals at Jacks Creek Grill and Go? They have a seating area, or you can relax outside. The fish is the number one item. Why drive to Jackson when the fish at Jacks Creek is extra crisp? Call me for the phone number I just hid from Pat. 731-989-7485
Also, Jacks Creek has a market from 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Sunset Valley Farms 731-513-5400. It is next door to the post office at the intersection 100/22.
Henderson City Hall will have a program to honor Chester County soldiers whose names are engraved in granite on the Chester County Court House lawn. Hope to see respect shown on Monday, May 29. Check out What’s Happening.
Memorial Day commemorates all Americans who died in military service for the United States of America. Country singer, Lee Greenwood says, “And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.” Or as veteran Harry Brown said, “We’ll go for now; and we love you.”
There are 67 Chester County soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice! They never made it home to arms that loved them so dearly. Read each name and pause to show respect – (WWI) Monty Allen, Joshua Buckingham, Earl Cooper, Hampton Cooper, Curry Cupples, Charley Davis, Dolphus Deming, Dennis Fields, Joe Findley, James Gaddy, Amos Haltom, Isaac Massengill, Scott Robinson and Fred Rowland; (KOREAN) Eugene Cox, Ray Dunn and Harold Rhodes; (WWII) Bennett Allen, Joseph Anderson, John Arnold, Thomas Barber, Hughie Bishop, Isaac Brown, J.T. Cawthon, W.C. Christopher, Gordan Cox, John Griffin, Edgar Holder, Robert Holder, William Holmes, John Hubbard, William Kinchen, Wade King, C.B. Latham, James Wilson Lee, Floyd Lindsey, K.D. Lowrance, Jr., Hobert Maness, Edison Marsh, Kenneth McCanless, Willie Morris, Kirk Mount, Don O’Neal, James Priddy, John Ramer, Neal Ratliff, Hubert Rhodes, Herman Scott, J.L. Smith, Roy Smith, Floyd Snider, Elmo Tarpley, George Wallace, Floyd Wilson, Lloyd Wilson, Oliver Wilson, Jr., Woodrow Wood and Robert Wood, Jr. (VIETNAM) Charles Crowe, Dale Hollowell, Dannie Jacobs and Dennis Taylor; (CAREER SERVICE) Frankie Naylor, Gene Parrish, and J.T. Peddy; (GULF WAR) Dustin Adkins and Judson Mount. God bless these fallen men and their families. Please let me know, if I missed a precious name. “America without her soldiers would be like God without His angels.” — Claudia Pemberton
Tidbit: Bobi was born May 11, 1992, age 31. He is from Portugal and is a pure-bred rafeiro do Alentejo. His mother lived 18 years. My poodle, Dusty Rose, died May 21, 2011. He was born Nov. 24, 1998. If he had lived as long as Bobi, he would still be with me. Oh, what a joyous thought! He would be 25 and mine, all mine! We rescued a poodle, Sammie (2006), and now a white Maltese, Muffin (2018), has joined our lives into the unexpected!
Question: If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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