News from the Montezuma Community of Chester County

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with Gayle Cox

Hoping that all you students and teachers have been enjoying your spring break and realize there is not that much of the school year left. I want to send out a big “Thank You” to Beth Sappington Everett and her “Cookies for Cancer” for a great job completed on her American Cancer Society Fish Fry Fundraiser this past Saturday and most of all for setting up the “Meet the Candidates” opportunity. We even had a visit from Page Walley at the event. There was a great turn out of candidates, and each of them was able to introduce themselves and say a few words. The Republican Primary Election will be held on May 3, and I strongly encourage everyone to continue to look at the Republican candidates, and if there is a person you feel is right for the job on this listing and you plan to vote for them, it becomes necessary to vote on May 3 and Aug. 4. If you have any questions, please call or stop by and talk with Kathy Vest at the Election Commission Office (989-4039). See you at the polls.
Please call Betty Cooper at 879-9078 to book the use of the community center.
Montezuma sends out happy birthday wishes to Linda Skinner on March 24, Denise Davidson on March 26, Joann Osborne on March 27 and Seth Wade on March 28.
Montezuma sends out happy anniversary wishes to Craig and Renee Murley on March 28.
With so much unrest in our country, I pray that each of you believers will be praying continually for our government and salvation for the lost. Please pray for the people dealing with COVID, Nancy Crouse, Kolby Cunningham, Frank and Imogene Naylor, Martha Cooper, Jake Richardson, Ashley Pugh, Faye Morrison, Joyce Beecham, Doug Thomas, Ann Morrison, Jessie Pugh, Faye Crouse, Ed Morris, healthcare workers and law enforcement. We especially want to remember the families of Donald Hopper, Patsy Ross, Craig Middleton, Sr., Dorothy Jester and other families that have recently lost loved ones. Many from our community are being called to their final resting place, and I pray that is Heaven. There are many signs that we are nearing the end of time and the return of our Lord and Savior, and people need to get prepared for the worst is yet to come. Reach out to a local church if you have questions regarding what it takes to know you will get to Heaven.
Wishing a very blessed week to all you readers!
Always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to or text me at 608-2857.

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