with Gayle Cox

Hey kids, what will your summer be like? You can choose to sit in front of a television, play video games or read a few books to keep up your skills, go swimming with supervision, take a hike, explore some new places and use your brain power to keep you ready for the next school year. Whatever you decide to do, be careful and enjoy your summer break.
Our center is in need of several upgrades, and if anyone within the community would like to get involved, help with some repair work or just make some larger monetary donations or specific item donations for those purposes, it would all be much appreciated. Contact Ann Moore at 608-2033 or myself at the number below. Our center is available for rent, and you can contact Betty Cooper at 879-9078 for price and availability of the community center.
Montezuma sends out happy birthday wishes to Ayden Sanford on May 27 and Mendi Moore and Cecila Murley on June 1.
With so much unrest in our country, I pray that each of you believers will be praying continually for our government and salvation for the lost. Please pray for Kolby Cunningham, Nancy Thomas, Jennifer Paton, Imogene Naylor, Dwight Rhodes, Lill Emerson, Karon Connor Reinmann, Larry Lambert, Samantha Stark, Nancy Crouse, Martha Cooper, Jake Richardson, Ashley Pugh, Faye Morrison, Doug Thomas, Ann Morrison, Faye Crouse, Ed Morris, healthcare workers and law enforcement. We especially want to remember the families of Doug Stanfill, Luka James Russell, Joyce Naylor Beecham, Yolanda Jean Smith, Preston Rowland, Misty Wildermuth and other families that have recently lost loved ones. May God provide healing to those that are sick and wisdom to those that may need it for life decisions.
Wishing a very blessed week to all you readers!
Always looking for noteworthy news to share in this column. Please send to gaylecox@bellsouth.net or text me at 608-2857.