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News from the New Friendship & Mifflin Communities of Chester County

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with Vickie Ellis

Hello to all!
The weather was gorgeous Saturday. The skies were a beautiful blue, and the sun was shining. The temperature was 66 degrees here. I have enjoyed hearing the birds chirp, but alas, our hummers are gone until next summer it seems. Their feeder will be cleaned and stored until next spring. James is beginning to clean the garden space up, next the flower bed and a little tidying up before Mr. Winter comes. Leaves as you know are beginning to turn but not so much in our yard. I hope all school employees and children have enjoyed your fall break.
I hope everyone that is registered to vote does their patriotic duty and votes. Not every country has this privilege. I do not get upset with those of a different opinion than mine, but those who do not vote do not need to complain.
I have made Nick a very pretty fall arrangement and hope to put it out this weekend or at least next week. We try to put some out at Christmas and then not again until spring. We started out every occasion, but as we have gotten older and health issues, it has not always worked out. He is with us every day in our hearts and minds. 
Sherry and Greg Utley along with Connor Utley traveled from Alabama to Mifflin and joined Rachel Ellington on Oct. 10 to attend the wedding of Brooklynn Davidson to Kirk Walls at West Jackson Baptist Church. Brooklynn is the daughter of Kevin and Marla Davidson of Henderson. The rehearsal dinner was held at the New Southern Hotel in Jackson.
I am glad our COVID-19 numbers were zero Friday. It seems every county around us was low except Madison, which was in the 40s. Praying that this virus begins to dissipate and the flu stays at bay. Prayers continue for all COVID-19 victims and their families. It is brutal many times even when the symptoms are mild from what others have said. I would encourage masks, hand sanitizer and wash hands frequently and even then we are not 100 percent safe.
Happy Birthday to Kathy Dyer, 10-20, and J.T. Butler and Don Jones, 10-24.
Happy Anniversary to Dana and Jamie Berry, 10-23.
Please continue to remember these in prayer: Frances Ada and Tammy, Brenda Ada, Lynn Allen, Denise Armstrong, Brinson Biggs, Sheila Berry, Charlie Brewer, David Brewer, Inez Cash, Diane Cross, Kristen Daniel and family, Joie Freeman, Ann Hinson, Braelyn Ellis, Danny Jones, Pat Jones, Sue Lewis, Nancy McCaskill, LaVelle Page, Delores Perkins, Pam Priddy, Donald and Doris Rowlett, Jim Ruth, Dwain Seaton, Dwain Seaton, Jr., Dalton Seratt, Kenny Stevens, Kristi Taylor, Peggy Zimmerle and Adam Wise. 
Also, please pray for our military, law enforcement, those affected by COVID-19, our country and its leaders and first responders. There are many sick and hurting. Please say a prayer for those; even if you do not know their name, God does. 
Fresh Apple Cake – You will need two cups sugar, two cups self-rising flour, three eggs, one cup cooking oil, one teaspoon vanilla, one teaspoon cinnamon and one teaspoon nutmeg. Add three cups diced apples, one cup chopped nuts or raisins and bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 min. Check for doneness when a toothpick inserted in several places of cake comes out clean. Cool about 30 min or so and invert onto plate. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.
I pray you all have a wonderful week, and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. Remember: if you have news, please email me at mimmiepots@gmail.com. I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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