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News from the New Friendship & Mifflin Communities of Chester County

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with Vickie Ellis

Hello to everyone!
Today is Saturday, May 7. It is cloudy, and the skies are a light gray. The temperature is 62 degrees. There is an occasional slight breeze. The days ahead look promising. The forecast is for SUN and warmer weather… mostly in the low to upper 80s. I believe I can handle that.
We have surely had plenty of rain. Our Chinese Fringe tree is bloomed out with feather-like flowers and is beautiful along with our iris. Our birds continue to give us pleasure. We mowed Thursday, but the rain caught us, so we must finish probably Monday. We did have to turn the heat on a little today. One other note, the harsh winds and rain cracked our beautiful Bradford Pear, and now that is another to do for the hubby. 
Tomorrow will be Mother’s Day. I hope each of you moms enjoy your day in some way. Some have celebrated early due to conflicts. It is great just to be remembered and appreciated for one day a year. I can only speak for myself and what I experienced growing up, but I miss my mother. She was kind and thoughtful, and she made sure that we all went to church. She was a very good cook. Her homemade caramel pies were fabulous. She did not yell, scream or cuss. She kept a clean home and was always there for us. She tried to be what she missed; her mother died when she was 11 years old. I can not even imagine. She carried this sadness with her until she passed away at age 68.
I sure wish she was still here, but I would hate for her to know the shape this world is in. Unbelievable.
This is another Mother’s Day without our youngest son Nick. Our funny, happy and loving son. He was 14 and in the ninth grade when he was killed. Now, we have a granddaughter, Braelyn Ellis, who will be graduating from Chester County High School this month. Nick never made it. My heart and prayers go out to all who have lost a child and those who would love to have a child but are not gifted with that love. We must trust in God’s plan and continue on as He would have us to do. We are blessed to have Jeremy (son), Braelyn and Braxton (grandchildren) and Laiken, our great-granddaughter. 
We enjoyed worship service at Friendship Baptist Church Sunday morning. Although we were unable to attend, we were blessed to watch it live on the computer. Not the same but just go with the flow. The sermon was on A Godly Mother’s Love. It was a good sermon.
I know everyone is looking forward to school being out. The last day of school is May 20. CCHS graduation will be May 16 at 7 p.m. at Loyd Auditorium.
Happy birthday to Amy Ross, 5-7; Audrey Davidson, Bobbie N Wells, Barry Williams and Don Berry, 5-8; Madison Taylor, 5-9; William Acred, 5-12; and Dyke Sells, 5-13.
Happy Anniversary to Jan and Steve Priddy, 5-14.
Please continue to remember these in prayer Randy Baker, Sheila Berry, Joe Bingham, Marie Bishop, Robert and Joyce Brewer, Beverly Butler, J.T. and Jeanette Butler, John Butler, Jackie Chambers, Chastity King, Maryann Lackie, Anita and Larry Lambert, Andy Maness. Billy Maness, Willadean Maness Thrasher, LaVelle Page, Joe Priddy, Pam Priddy, Jesse Pugh, Todd Rencher, Jake Richardson, Gina Robinson, Kristi Taylor, David Tucker, Tony Tucker and Adam Wise.
Also, please pray for our military, law enforcement, our country and its leaders and first responders. There are many sick and hurting. Please say a prayer; even if you do not know their name, God does.
Prayer is not an obligation; it is the greatest privilege we have. Pray yourself through each day. 
“If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart, then in living – I have made my mark.” – Thomas L Odem, Jr. 
“There’s no storm that God won’t carry you through. No bridge that God won’t help you cross. No battle that God won’t help you through. No heartache that God can’t help you let go of. He is so much bigger than anything you will ever face. Leave everything in His hands. Embrace each day confidently, knowing that He will take care of you.” – unknown
I pray you all have a wonderful week, and may it be filled with love, joy, peace and blessings. 
Remember: if you have news, please email me at mimmiepots@gmail.com. I would truly appreciate any news. People from here and those who have moved from our area but still want to keep in touch through the newspaper are hungry for news from home.
Until next week, Happy Trails to You.

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