News from the Silerton Community of Chester County

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with Mary Lynn Lambert

Praise for the good result Roger Hatch received during his recent visit to his doctor.
Love is usually associated with the month of February because of Valentine’s Day. Our minds usually think of sweetheart relationships. During the month of February, our news will be focusing on people who have shown true godly love to others. Judy Dillard is the first to share about the love she experienced. Several men from the Silerton Baptist Church went beyond the warm fuzzy feelings of love, put on boots and gloves and built a new porch, handicap ramp and concrete walk for Sarah Chandler and Judy Dillard. They truly experienced the kind of love mentioned in the Bible. Even though the men worked hard, they enjoyed the camaraderie amongst themselves. At the end of the day, Judy said, “I love my new ramp and porch. I thank God every day for Silerton Baptist Church. They are one of the greatest blessings one could have.” She extended a big thank you to Bro. Charlie Crouthers, Joe Stack, Grady Stack, Ricky Wilson, Matt Harris, Bobby Naylor, Frankie Lambert, Larry Lambert, Joe Seavers and Bill Mayfield for their love and hard work. Carolyn Vales helped with a delicious meal. Trudy Stack was an immense help playing with Ramsey Kate.
The Vales family experienced an outpouring of love during the recent death of Mike Vales. The family expressed their thanks for all the prayers and acts of compassion shown to them during this difficult time.
Silerton welcomes to our town Alfred and Jonna Ewing. Jonna is the daughter of Frankie Lambert. They are relocating from Portage, Ohio. Alfred and Jonna also experienced Southern hospitality and Christian love from Grady Stack, Ricky Wilson, Matt Harris, Larry and Anita Lambert in helping to unload the U-Haul.
Sloan and Wanda Buford attended worship at Silerton Baptist Church last Sunday. They had traveled to Silerton in celebration of their second wedding anniversary. To close our month of words of wisdom from some of our senior citizens, Lee Stack offers his words, ”Do not save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.” As the month progresses, please contact me if you have someone you would like to recognize for sharing their love.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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