News from the Silerton Community of Chester County

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with Melea Beshires

If you have not checked out the Facebook group, Silerton-Photographs from the Past, you are missing a real treat. Tommy Murley has done an excellent job creating a forum of interesting photographs as well as memories and antidotes from the past.
The participation is what really makes this group special. For instance, if someone posts a photograph where they can only identify a handful of people, someone else usually comments with some more names or more background on the photograph. I spent some time browsing the page recently and felt as if I had slipped into the memory banks of Silerton in the past.
Stories I found tucked into the comments were both heartwarming and hilarious. The commenters brought to life various residents from the past, making me feel as if I had known them or that I had a sense for them. Mr. TC Hooper was one such resident who many shared fond memories of and recalled his humorous nature and helpful spirit.
I love hearing about the days of the railroad and the old store. Willard Beshires says he still has tokens from the store, and I am sure many others do as well. I love the idea of a simpler time when tokens and other systems were used to help one another out. My great-grandfather, Clyde T. Nash, was a doctor from Bonicord. Growing up, I always heard stories about the various things he accepted as payment for services, mostly chicken eggs. While we may not use tokens today, I believe the same spirit of helpfulness and neighborliness lives on in Silerton today.
Mary Lynn Lambert shares some current Silerton news with us:
Brenda Cooper and Brother Robert Gibson need our prayers. They are both dealing with health issues. Alfred and Jonna Ewing enjoyed having their daughter Jessica Thrall and her three children from Toledo, Ohio, for a short visit. Grady and Carolyn Stack enjoyed camping with their son and daughter-in-law Glenn and Robin Stack at Pickwick for a few days.
As always, I welcome your Silerton news and hope that all readers are well and looking forward to fall.

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