News from the Silerton Community of Chester County

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with Mary Lynn Lambert

The convenient center for the Silerton community has been reopened. It will be opened Tuesday afternoons and all-day Saturday. The town officials request that you carry your garbage and encourage your neighbors to also utilize the center. The convenient centers are rated according to the amount of tonnage brought to the center.
Silerton welcomes Donny Frazier to our town. Donny is the cousin of Jennifer Wilson. He will be residing with Ricky and Jennifer until he can get himself settled here. He is originally from Augusta, Ga., but was living in Kansas prior to coming to Silerton.
Jessie Graves has returned to our town. Jessie lived here about 10 years ago. After his wife died, he moved to central Indiana for a few years, but because the weather is warmer and the cost of living is less in West Tennessee, he decided to move back to West Tennessee. He likes that the pace in Silerton is much slower, thus creating a peaceful area. When he heard that the old Clifford Siler home was available for rent, he packed up and moved in. Jessie has a small business that he calls Git-R-Done. He specializes in remodels, decks, roof repairs, siding, additions, painting, floors and general repairs. If you are in the Silerton area and need his services, he can be reached at 765-918-5305.
A family wedding took Bill and Gail Mayfield to the east Tennessee mountains last weekend. Gail’s great-nephew and his bride were married under an old white oak tree on a peak with views of both the Cumberland and Appalachian Mountains. While there, they drove through the Gatlinburg area to view the colors and visited the UT Knoxville gardens and other places Bill recalled as a student.
Paula Hinson, Frankie and I enjoyed a day outing to the Memphis Zoo. We were amazed to see how much the zoo had expanded since our last visit. Many exhibits have been added. We did not get to see the twin jaguars that were recently born at the zoo. They were still being watched in the zoo nursery. There has not been a jaguar born at the zoo for the past 25 years. We were able to observe Le Le and Ya Ya eating bamboo in their dayroom. The panda bears came from China on a lease in 2003. If you are looking for a day outing and enjoy observing animals, I would recommend the zoo. There are many benches to sit and rest and enjoy the zoo’s atmosphere. Admission is free after noon on Tuesdays.
Remember to call with news or your memories so we can stay connected.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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