with Melea Beshires
It would not be autumn in Silerton without a soybean harvest. Many folks are parking their lawn mowers for the winter, and sadly, many people’s chrysanthemums have gone to flower heaven (ours included).
Just a reminder, the Fire Department will not be gathering this year for the Christmas bake sale. If you would like to participate in the bake sale, you can place an order with Donna Waldrip at 731-658-7889. Please be sure to place your order by Dec. 5. Cakes, pies, cookies, candies, etc., will be available for pick up on Dec. 18 at 9 a.m. until all orders are filled. Also, do not forget that on Dec. 5 at 10 a.m. the town will meet to decorate the park for Christmas.
In travel news Stan Rush, Adam Rush, Laura Rush and Caroline Rush all visited Will and Avery Rush in Dallas, Texas, over the Halloween weekend. Everyone had fun trick-or-treating.
Mary Lynn Lambert reminds us to continue to remember Bill and Helen Henning. Mary Lynn says Bill is “showing improvement but will need continued intensive care.”
Donna Waldrip also mentioned keeping John Jordan in your thoughts and prayers. John is in the hospital and hopes to be able to return home this week.
The holidays are approaching fast and many are choosing to have smaller celebrations this year or postpone gathering to a later time. No matter how you choose to spend these holidays, this season is a wonderful time to be thankful for loved ones and the beautiful town we all call home.