City of Henderson
Police Department
August 20, 2023
Wendy Busby, 30, Henderson, was arrested and charged with driving on a canceled/revoked or suspended license. She was released from the Chester County Jail on her own recognizance.
City of Henderson
Fire Department
August 18, 2023
10:53 a.m. – US Hwy 45 at West Main St., motor vehicle crash, no injuries.
August 19, 2023
1:42 p.m. – US Hwy 45 N, grass fire.
2:19 p.m. – 335 East University St., Freed-Hardeman University, Sewell Hall, smoke detector activation, no fire.
August 20, 2023
7 a.m. – 203 East University St., Freed-Hardeman University, Benson Hall, smoke detector activation, false alarm.
August 21, 2023
3:26 a.m. – 144 Hamlet Ave., Freed-Hardeman University, Farrow Hall, smoke detector activation, false alarm.
Chester County
Sheriff’s Department
August 15, 2023
Jeremy Bell, 25, Jackson, was arrested and charged with driving on a canceled/revoked or suspended license and simple possession of a schedule VI controlled substance.
Susan Willis, 49, Henderson, was arrested and charged with violation of Community Corrections – Misdemeanor. She is held in the Chester County Jail without bond.
Brian Jordan, 59, Finger, was arrested and charged with violation of Community Corrections – Misdemeanor. He was released from the Chester County Jail after posting a $550 cash bond.
August 16, 2023
Danny Martin, 43, Pinson, was arrested and charged with driving on a canceled/revoked or suspended license. He was released from the Chester County Jail on his own recognizance.
August 17, 2023
Deontae Nixon, 25, Berkeley, Mo., was arrested and charged with contempt of court. He is held in the Chester County Jail without bond.
August 18, 2023
Herschel Carnell, 43, Henderson, was arrested and charged with violation of an order of protection. He is held in the Chester County Jail without bond.
Kathryn Murphy, 36, Iuka, Miss., was arrested and charged with violation of Community Corrections – Misdemeanor. She is held in the Chester County Jail without bond.
August 20, 2023
Dakota Parker, 34, Reagan, was arrested and charged with contempt of court. He was released from the Chester County Jail after posting a $250 cash bond.
Chester County
Fire Department
August 18, 2023
10:17 a.m. – Station One responding, 330 Fish Pond Road, assist EMS.
2:53 p.m. – Station One responding, Hwy 45 South at Old Naylor Road, motor vehicle accident.
Chester County
Circuit Court
August 13, 2023
Richard Leon Connor, 46, pled guilty to count one, class D felony evading arrest by vehicle – risk of death. He was sentenced to three years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, receiving credit for time served pretrial. He pled guilty to count two, class E felony reckless endangerment – vehicle/felony, and was sentenced to two years in a TDOC facility at 35% service prior to release eligibility, with credit for time served. Connor pled guilty to count three, class C misdemeanor custodial interference – violate court order, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative program. He pled guilty to counts four/five (merged), class A misdemeanor driving on a canceled/revoked or suspended license – second or subsequent offense, and was sentenced to 29 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. He pled guilty to count six, class C misdemeanor speeding, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. Connor pled guilty to count seven, class C misdemeanor vehicles/streetcars stop at all stop signs, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. He pled guilty to count eight, class C misdemeanor driving on roadways laned for traffic, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. He pled guilty to count nine, class C misdemeanor failure or refusal to display certificate of registration, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served pretrial, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. He is to pay all court costs; sentence is to serve, with no work release and no post plea expungement. All counts are concurrent with each other and consecutive to a specified Chester County Circuit Court case. Driving privileges are revoked for a period of one year.
Joshua Walter Morrison, 37, was found guilty of count one, class C felony aggravated burglary (habitation), and was sentenced to five years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, receiving credit for time served pretrial, all suspended and supervised, and ordered to pay court costs plus $5,995.31 in restitution and to complete 48 hours of unpaid community service. He was found guilty of count two, class D felony vandalism from $2,500 to $10,000, and was sentenced to two years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, with credit for time served pretrial, all suspended and supervised. He was found guilty of count three, class C felony theft of property $10,000 to $60,000, and was sentenced to four years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, with credit for time served, all suspended and supervised. He was found guilty of class C misdemeanor criminal trespass, and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served pretrial, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs, all suspended and supervised. All counts are concurrent with each other and with other specified cases, and consecutive to other specified cases. He is to be supervised by Intensive State Probation, to have no work release, no post plea expungement, to have no contact with victims or witnesses, must successfully complete an alcohol and drug evaluation and successfully follow recommendations and must submit to random drug and alcohol screens. He must maintain full-time employment or be a full-time student or show proof of disability. He must continue and complete rehab. All contraband (firearms, cash, etc.,) are forfeited to the arresting agency.
Charles Richard Hatfield, 39, pled guilty to count one, class C felony aggravated burglary (habitation), and was sentenced to six years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, receiving credit for time served pretrial, all suspended and supervised, and ordered to pay all court costs, $5,995.31 in restitution, and to complete 48 hours of unpaid community service work. He pled guilty to count two, class D felony vandalism from $2,500 to $10,000, and was sentenced to four years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, with credit for time served pretrial, all suspended and supervised. He pled guilty to count three, class C felony theft of property $10,000 to $60,000, and was sentenced to six years in a TDOC facility at 30% service prior to release eligibility, with credit for time served, all suspended and supervised. He pled guilty to count four, class C misdemeanor criminal trespass and was sentenced to 30 days in the Chester County Jail, with credit for time served, a minimum of 75% service prior to eligibility for work release, furlough, trusty status or rehabilitative programs. All counts are concurrent. Total sentence length is eight years. Hatfield is to be supervised by Intensive State Probation. He is to have no contact with victims or witnesses, must submit to an alcohol and drug evaluation and successfully follow recommendations, must maintain full-time employment or be a full-time student or show proof of disability.