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Sunrise By David Coy: Identify

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By David Coy

David Coy

If someone were to come to you and ask you, how would you describe who you are? Who are you? How would you respond? A person mourning the loss of their loved one came to the realization they did not know who they were any more. They could not define themselves as they once could and would. This is illustrated by a story of one person asking another the same question. They answered with their vocation…then their marital status…their parental status…you get the idea. While we all might answer the same question differently, we all probably would not need to think about the answer we would give. In the story the questioner inquired why the answerer led with the selection they did and the order in which they did.
Now, if we had recently lost someone or something of extreme importance that we most highly esteemed and which or with whom we perhaps unconsciously allowed our world to revolve around, how would we define ourselves after the separation? In the story the individual, after further contemplation, revised their evaluation of the ‘who are you’ question. Since I began our discussion, have you contemplated the question in application to yourself? Who are you? How in specific detail category by category as above would you now define yourself? I wrote an article years ago that discussed the rebuilding of one’s life anew after an essential and life defining loss. This is what the one questioned was truly asked to answer. It was after a traumatic loss in their life. Also at the heart of this question is our view whether we are an island to ourselves or recognize we have a need of social and spiritual connection outside of ourselves. The truth is we all do. Sunrise Aftercare is here to support you in your journey with grief, loss, and rebuilding your life and redefining who you now are. David at 731-879-6284. This is Sunrise Aftercare.

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