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  • Sunrise By David Coy: Isolation Effects

Sunrise By David Coy: Isolation Effects

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By David Coy

No one would deny that we are living through extraordinary life circumstances and experiences. This has been a life changing year to say the least. Though there truly has been dangerous risks involved for many people, especially the very aged and individuals with co-morbidity issues, there is one change to a particular demographic that has been largely overlooked. Effects of forced isolation or quarantine. As an example let us look at a study conducted by the University of Oregon that sent a digital questionnaire at first weekly and then, beginning in August, biweekly to a representative group of a thousand American families with young children. They were curious about how they and their kids were doing. They learned some alarming and troubling information.
Parents observed regressive behavior in their children, behavior that they had learned previously in their life had now unlearned. The University learned that children were wetting their bed; other kids who previously slept soundly were difficult to become restful the whole night through. They also discovered a very sudden increase in separation anxiety, while others took a long time to go to sleep. Children were becoming fussy and defiant, more fearful or anxious, more frequent tantrums and incessant, escalating sibling fighting, etc. One young mother worried over extended isolation was devastating to her child’s mental health.
Is this a relevant danger or risk that we as a global society should be worried about with our children and grandchildren? News reports abound from all over the world with the rise in mental health issues among adults. Yet, adults are not the only group affected. Let us show concern for all of us.
This is Sunrise Aftercare, sunrise@sfdcares.com.

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