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Sunrise By David Coy: Light and Hope

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By David Coy

David Coy

Have you ever thought of the relation of light and hope? To illustrate there is a story about a person in ancient time who was plagued and as a result was prone to convulse and cut himself with stones. The story does not specify, but perhaps he had gash marks all over his body because of this habit. He had a long history of behaving in a manner that could be described as not in his right mind. Yet, his life was not without the potentiality of hope for the future (cf. Mark 5:1-20 & Luke 8:26-39). I read a story about Tracy Bettencourt who said she woke up in darkness every morning. She says she regularly deals with the subjects of hope, adversity, love positivity, strength and determination. Does she choose to view her world with a positive outlook in spite of her circumstances? As a result of reading her brief article, I believe so.
When adversity comes into our lives we have a choice as to how we will respond. I often say to people that we have no control over how other people behave, but we do over how we behave and respond to circumstances. Yes, tribulations can and sometimes will be overwhelmingly difficult to endure. I do not know what it is like to lose a child through death or a loved one by suicide or homicide or to lose a spouse. These and other losses must be immensely challenging. Yes, we can choose to be overcome by our own traumatic circumstances. We can wake up every morning in darkness and choose to remain in mental darkness and allow our sadness to define us. We also can wake up though sad and sorrowful and work with loving and the knowledge of having been loved, with a positive mindset and with a confident expectation (hope) for the future, coupled with the determination to make it so.
If we may serve you please allow us the opportunity. I look forward to seeing you.
This is Sunrise Aftercare.

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