Subject identified in TBI investigation

Photo provided by Ron Schaming, Savannah Courier
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has identified 32-year-old Zachary Johnson, deceased, as the subject involved in a shooting incident which began in Chester County Wednesday, Aug. 21, involving deputies from the Chester County Sheriff’s Office. According to the TBI, Johnson later drove into the Tennessee River near Saltillo, where his body was eventually recovered.
At the request of 26th Judicial District Attorney General Jody Pickens, TBI special agents continue to investigate the circumstances of the incident. Preliminary information indicates the incident originated in Chester County near Henderson when a Chester County Deputy initiated a traffic stop of a vehicle driving recklessly at approximately 9:15 a.m. The driver refused to stop, and a pursuit ensued. During the pursuit, the driver briefly stopped and presented a weapon, pointing it at deputies, and causing the deputies to fire their service weapons. The driver fled the scene, and during the course of the pursuit, he fired from the vehicle in the direction of law enforcement. Multiple agencies joined the pursuit, which entered McNairy County, then Hardin County. At approximately 10:15 a.m., the subject drove down a boat ramp near Saltillo into the Tennessee River. When multiple law enforcement officers entered the water to apprehend the subject, he presented the weapon again and did not comply with their commands, then submerged under the water and did not resurface until his body was recovered hours later. The body was transported to Nashville for autopsy. No law enforcement officers were injured. TBI agents are working to independently determine the series of events leading to the shooting, including collecting evidence and conducting interviews. Throughout the process, investigative findings will be shared with the district attorney general for his further review and consideration. The TBI acts solely as fact-finders in its cases and does not determine whether an officer’s actions were justified in these types of matters. That decision rests with the district attorney general requesting TBI’s involvement. The TBI does not identify the officers involved in these incidents and instead refers questions of that nature to the respective department to answer as it sees fit.
Any available updates on this investigation will be posted online at