The University of Tennessee at Martin ranks among the top 14% of more than 8,000 colleges and universities ranked by Study Abroad Aide (SAA). The SAA World Rankings for Best Value Universities for International Students was released on April 12.
The SAA ranking places UT Martin among the top one-seventh of those universities. Study Abroad Aide collected information from 8,032 colleges and universities around the world, including tuition fees, required English proficiency test scores, university admission websites, the type and location of the universities and the universities’ websites.
Colleges and universities are then ranked by total enrollment, including international student body. Ranking is also determined by affordability and academic reputation.
The ranking was created by Study Abroad Aide to help international students find a good college fit for them and encourage them to go to college abroad by providing a listing of affordable and reputable colleges or universities.
UT Martin ranked fourth-best among colleges and universities in the state of Tennessee.
Information about this ranking can be found at studyabroadaide.com/rankings and clocking on “World Best Value University Rankings.”
Information about the University of Tennessee at Martin can be found at www.utm.edu.