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What’s Happening in Henderson, Chester County and surrounding areas

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Finger Fire Department April 10
Finger Volunteer Fire Department will hold an all you can eat fish fry and barbeque dinner from 2-6 p.m. Saturday, April 10. Price is $12 for adults and $6 for children. All proceeds will go towards the operating expenses of the Finger Fire Department. Dine in or carry out will be offered. Please wear a mask for your protection.

American Legion Veterans Benefit and Career Fair April 24
Is your business hiring? If so, contact Chris Dunbar with American Legion. He is organizing a veterans benefits and career fair Saturday, April 24, at the National Guard Armory. To reserve a booth or more information, please contact Chris Dunbar tn157cmdr@gmail.com

County Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet May 11
Henderson | Chester County Chamber of Commerce will hold their annual membership and awards banquet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May, 11, at the Chester County High School Stadium. Formal Invitations to be emailed soon. For more information, contact the chamber office at 989-5222. Please email your nomination by Friday, April 16. This award recognizes an individual with outstanding leadership and citizenship in the community, while demonstrating exemplary vision, civic pride and commitment to a betterment of society. This award nominee should be nominated for their definable, exceptional deeds, with which he or she has made Chester County a better place to live. Please email your nomination, along with a summary of why this individual should receive this lifetime achievement award, to emily@chestercountychamber.com.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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