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  • Who will be voted Chester County’s cutest pet?

Who will be voted Chester County’s cutest pet?

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A new contest sponsored by The Chester County Independent is underway and a winner will be crowned for a 2021 calendar, which will feature not just the top 12, but all of the pets who are entered.
The contest is not just limited to furry pets – cats, dogs, hamsters, goldfish, lizards, birds, snakes and other pets are welcomed to be entered into the competition. Owners can submit photos of their pets and voters determine who will win.
The grand prize winner will also receive a “Pamper Me” gift basket with various items for a pet and pet owner.
“We’re looking forward to this pet calendar contest because it’s a great way to help raise money for our local animal rescues,” said Independent publisher Scott Whaley. “A portion of the proceeds from the contest will be split between the City of Henderson Animal Control, Loving Paws and Funny Farm Rescue Ranch. We’re so excited to be able to partner with these organizations and give back.”
Here is how it works: Each photo entry costs $10. Entries began being accepted on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 4 p.m. and voting began the same day. Voting will close on Thursday, Dec. 10. Each vote is $1. 
Winners will be announced in the Jan. 7 print edition of The Independent
Calendars featuring the winners will be distributed free in subscribers’ copies, and will also be available at The Independent for $5.
“Don’t wait – four weeks go by very quickly and we wouldn’t want you to miss your chance to pick our county’s cutest pet,” Whaley added. 
The website to enter your pet and vote along with the contest details is: https://www.gogophotocontest.com/chestercountyindependent.

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The Chester County Independent is a weekly newspaper, published on Thursdays, serving Chester County, Tennessee.

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