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  • WRAP brings awareness to Sexual Assault Awareness Month

WRAP brings awareness to Sexual Assault Awareness Month

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April 1st launched Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In the United States, an estimated 25.5 million women and 2.8 million men report rape or attempted rape in their lifetime.
WRAP directly serves those impacted by sexual violence across 19 counties in West Tennessee, offering a wide array of trauma-informed, evidence-based services that are free and confidential. We also work closely within the communities we serve to bring awareness of sexual violence in an effort to further promote healthy and stable communities, families, and relationships.
April is the time for our communities to come together and honor the incredible strength and courage of survivors, while highlighting the resilience of our communities. With the appropriate resources and support, survivors of sexual violence can more easily overcome intense trauma, find healing, and achieve restoration. With increased and diligent awareness by each of us, we can finally disperse longstanding myths and stigmas surrounding survivors of sexual violence.
This April and throughout the year, let us support survivors, wrapping them in hope, and sending a clear message that they are not in this alone.
With the current pandemic, WRAP has been unable to host the community events that had been planned to bring awareness to Sexual Assault this month. However, WRAP is hoping to carry out those plans sometime later this year.
In the meantime, WRAP is beginning an online support group for survivors of sexual assault. The sessions will be held every Tuesday online and are free, confidential, and anonymous. Please visit the WRAP Facebook page or visit the website at https://affiliate.rainn.org/helproom/wrap to learn more.
WRAP encourages the community to participate in Sexual Assault Awareness Month by wearing TEAL in support of survivors and bringing awareness to the impact sexual assault has on our communities. So join WRAP and “Wear TEAL ” this April so that together we can end violence, change lives, and give hope! #SAAM #wearTEAL #WRAPTN
Like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wrapwesttn to keep informed about upcoming events and learn more about what WRAP has to offer. If you or anyone you know has questions about sexual violence please call our 24/7 helpline at 1-800-273-8712.

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