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  • Chester County Junior High Volleyball start season strong: Junior High Volleyball earn runner-up title of FHU Tournament Gold Bracket

Chester County Junior High Volleyball start season strong: Junior High Volleyball earn runner-up title of FHU Tournament Gold Bracket

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By Kendall Patterson
CCI Sports Editor

The varsity Chester County Junior High Volleyball team started their season with a home victory over Lexington on Thursday.
The team then continued outperforming their opponents in the FHU Middle School Volleyball Tournament.
In pool play, they defeated Bargerton and Middleton to qualify for the gold bracket tournament.
In the gold bracket tournament they defeated Camden and proceeded to the gold bracket championship versus Jackson Christian.
In the first set of the gold bracket championship the girls took a hard loss of 25-8.
In the second set, they started down 8-2 but fought back and tied the set at 13 and took lead 16-15. Unfortunately, they could not hold JCS down and lost to them 25-21 for a 2-0 loss.

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