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  • Chester County retired teachers met December 11

Chester County retired teachers met December 11

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President Sylvia Harris welcomed everyone to the Dec. 11 meeting of Chester County Retired Teachers. She expressed appreciation to Freed-Hardeman University for sponsoring the meal in the Hope Shull Academic Resource Center and introduced representatives of the university: Dr. Sharon Cypress, Dr. Vicki Johnson and Chancellor Milton Sewell, accompanied by his wife Laurel Sewell. Chancellor Sewell expressed greetings from the university. Dr. Richard England’s wonderful background music before the meeting got everyone into a holiday mood.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Beverly Hardin.
Bruce Lewis gave the thought for the day. He talked about three categories of people: takers, givers and getters.
Bruce Lewis gave thanks for the meal. Everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet of salad, meats, vegetables and desserts.
The Chester High School Chorus, directed by Janet Sain, entertained. They got everyone further into the holiday spirit with their beautiful singing.
Jane Rowlett read the minutes from the previous meeting. They were approved as read. She also talked about the Rally for our Schools on Monday, March 16, on Capitol Hill in Nashville. Jennie Fletcher gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved as read. 
Old and new Business will carry over to the March meeting. 
Nancy Connor announced that the March service project will be donations to the Imagination Library.
Caroline Johnson, Jackie Hibbett and Ann Lowe, aided by Jennie Fletcher, distributed door prizes: goodie bags from Martha Lewis, goodie bags from Marti McDaniel, poinsettias, homemade bread baked by Dr. Ronald Johnson and a special treat – a chocolate cake that also was baked by Dr. Ronald Johnson. Caroline Johnson expressed appreciation to all who provided the door prizes. 
The meeting was adjourned.

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